Old Navy Clothing Store Disses Dads, Turns Father’s Day Into Second Mother’s Day

-By Warner Todd Huston

Old Navy clothing chain has joined the growing list of left-wingers who say fathers are unnecessary by turning Father’s Day into just a second Mother’s Day with its new Father’s Day shirt line that disses dads and exults moms.

You see? Fathers are not important to Old Navy. Even Father’s Day is just another Mother’s Day. Fathers are dirt, not worth their own day, after all.

It’s just another sad example of the left’s drive to devalue fatherhood.

Is there any wonder why millions of American males are now just sperm donors who flit from one slutty woman to the next, fathering children without bothering to stick around and raise them? And why not? When at every turn young men are hit with “girl power” and told women don’t need men, why not just roam the field and get as much sex as you can free of any responsibilities? I mean, if women don’t need men, then why can’t men just use women for sex and then leave them on the side of the road when they are done with them? Haven’t women just universally become prostitutes at the end of the day?

Of course, a moral, and caring man understands why the above is not a proper way to act. But such morality is hard to impress upon young men who are trained not to value their own role in the family.

But this is what Democrats and the left want. They want the destruction of the family. They want women saddled with half a dozen kids from half a dozen “fathers.” Liberals want women who cannot succeed in life and are weighed down by unnecessary trials and tribulations. They want single mothers. Why? Because those single mothers will be reliant on government to get by in day to day life.

Democrats and liberals hate fathers because fathers take responsibility for their families and help make their families achieve success without the help of government. And the left cannot stand it when people are self-reliant and don’t need government.
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Old Navy Clothing Store Disses Dads, Turns Father’s Day Into Second Mother’s Day”

Wanted: A Real Man and a Father for Fathers Day (Happy Fathers Day 2015)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Help Wanted: A father is needed.

America a father is needed: He should be strong of will, stout of heart, and serious in demeanor. He must love without being effusive. He must lead by example. He must have a soft spot for his daughters and tough hand with his sons. He must love his wife and family more than his own comforts because he understands that the duties he accepts as a father are more important than momentary amusements.

We want a man that will growl when their sons step out of line, the kind young boys don’t want to cross–not necessarily out of fear, but because they are loath to disappoint the old man. Give us a man who will happily show his gun collection to his daughter’s first boy friend. Let us have the man who those boyfriends can’t imagine calling anything other than “sir.”

Unfortunately, he is exactly the sort of man that liberals have targeted for elimination. Liberals hate words like maturity, protectiveness, patriarchy, and manliness.

Liberals celebrate backwards ball cap wearing, video game playing, punks who still want to act like they are 19 when they are nearing the 30s. Perpetual little boys who just want to have toys, see movies, go to concerts and jump into bed with what ever sort of woman strikes their fancy, the sort of man child who won’t think past a beer run planned for the weekend.

These are the kind of “men” that leave children alone with a woman struggling to survive. But they are just the kind liberals love because they leave human wreckage everywhere they go, people that big daddy government can rescue with big government programs and, naturally, more power for Democrats.

So, don’t give us Obama Pajama Boys. Forget the left’s meterosexuals. We’ll take a pass on their “coexist” bumper stickers and their gutless Priuses.

We don’t want your Brad Pitts, your moron Phil Dunphys, your drug addled Charlie Sheens or your pointless pretty boy Zac Efrons.

Give us Hugh Beaumont, Father Knows Best, let’s have more like John Wayne and Robert Mitchum. Give us more Billy Grahams, please?

But whatever you do, give us real men who have a sense of morality. The country is in desperate need of them.
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Wanted: A Real Man and a Father for Fathers Day (Happy Fathers Day 2015)”