Hatin’ On the GOP, The National Council for a New America and YOU

-By Warner Todd Huston

Listen up conservatives, time to soften that spine just a tiny bit.

Yeah. I’m as mad at the GOP as you are — then again I have been for a long time, not just lately. So, in the hope that something good could come of our losses, I listened in on Eric Cantor’s conference call launching the National Council for a New America (NCNA) project and you all saw my immediate report. I patiently listened to Representative Eric Cantor and Senator John McCain and heard the vague overview, I took note of the names that were attached to the project, and I realized the import of the five basic issues that they wanted to address. And I just knew what the first reaction to the idea would be. Certainly, I was not disappointed.

One commenter on my piece reflected what seems to be the most common reaction: “If John McCain is in, I’m out.” The same sentiment was expressed about Romney, but to a lesser degree. And I’ve heard this dozens of times over the few days since my report. That and much more, and scarce little of it has been complimentary.

As I said, I feel your pain.

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Hatin’ On the GOP, The National Council for a New America and YOU”