In Obama Era, Number of Americans on Disability Exceeds Entire Population of Greece

-By Warner Todd Huston

Obama claimed that he wanted to “fundamentally transform America” as he got ready to take the White House in 2008. Five years later, we see what he means. We now have more Americans in the depths of poverty, more Americans on welfare, and more Americans taking food stamps than ever. And now we discover that more Americans are on disability payments than the entire population of many foreign countries!

CNSNews reports that a record of nearly 11 million Americans are taking disability payments now in the age of Obama, more than the entire population of Greece. Currently a record 10,982,920 Americans are on disability, the report says. The population of Greece, though, is only 10,772,967 citizens!

Greece became well known during the spring and summer of 2013 as the most fiscally devastated nation in Europe and it looks like Obama is trying to turn the United States into a Greece=like nation, too, but one that would be a far bigger economic disaster to the world.
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In Obama Era, Number of Americans on Disability Exceeds Entire Population of Greece”

America and Greece: Beware the Path of the Black Cat

Paul A. Ibbetson

In you live in America, Europe, or many other places on the planet, then you probably have heard the tales of bad fortune that befalls unprepared souls who allow a black cat to cross their paths. In this realm of superstition the most capable and blessed black cat path-crossers find themselves with bad fortune, and heaps of it. In an ironic twist of fate, it is said that even the unluckiest people who test this taboo find out that their low lot in life can and will get lower. That’s sad.

Some would question the strolling power of the black cat even in the face of undoubtedly real catastrophes that take place among people who believe they have triggered this unstoppable bad luck. Could it be that when Mr. Whiskers crosses a person’s path people act in ways that increase their risk of misfortune? Possibly they may believe, at least subconsciously, that with bad fortune on the horizon, who needs to worry about well-thought out decisions? The skeptic in me sees the black cat as the perfect scapegoat. A matter of fact a person doesn’t have to face the real cause of their misfortune when it can be laid at the furry dark paws of the bad luck giver.
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America and Greece: Beware the Path of the Black Cat”