Huffington Post Slams PTEA for ‘Secret Slaughter of Kittens, Puppies’

-By Warner Todd Huston

For the Huffington Post, Nathan J. Winograd wrote an extensive expose of the history of euthanizing animals perpetrated by the supposed animal-loving group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Winograd reports that thousands of animals are killed every year and his post is filled with unsettling photos to prove his point.

Warning readers right away that the images in his report are “graphic” and may “distress the reader,” Winograd goes on to reveal that “approximately 2,000 animals pass through PETA’s front door every year and very few make it out alive.”

Amazingly, the article claimed that 96 percent of the animals that pass through PETA’s doors ended up dead. Worse, PETA’s donors are the ones paying for these killings even as those same donors think they are sending money to save animals.

“Most animal lovers find this hard to believe,” Then Winograd says. Winograd goes on to bitingly say, “if it is true that a picture speaks a thousand words, the following images speak volumes about who and what PETA really stands for.”
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Huffington Post Slams PTEA for ‘Secret Slaughter of Kittens, Puppies’”