Roskam on Job Creation‏

from the office of Congressman Peter Roskam (R, IL)…

House Republicans sent a clear to message to the White House last week: Washington must stop spending money it doesn’t have.

House Republicans were unified against increasing the country’s borrowing limit without meaningful spending cuts and reforms, and 82 Democrats joined Republicans in voting against it. This White House has added $3.5 trillion in debt over just two years, so Americans simply don’t support giving them a blank check to keep on spending.

The continued borrow-and-spend madness hasn’t helped create jobs either. Just this past Friday, the national unemployment rate rose to 9.1%, a full 27 months after the “stimulus” passed.

I spoke about the disappointing unemployment report at a press conference with other House leaders Friday. Watch a short clip of what CNBC said about my remarks.

We can’t afford 9.1% unemployment and endless debt. There’s a better way forward.We need to cut spending, get control of our debt and let job creators have the confidence of knowing the federal government isn’t spending itself into a Greece-like default.

Visit to see the full House Republican plan to turn this economy around.

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