Reason #12 to Vote Out Phil Hare

From the Schilling for Congress campaign (17th District)…

Reason #12: Phil Hare was ranked 404th out of 435 Members of the House in effectiveness.

EAST MOLINE, IL–The Bobby Schilling for Congress campaign unveiled the 12th reason in their “20 Reasons to Vote Out Phil Hare” series. The series focuses on Phil Hare’s record and explains why he does not deserve re-election. The campaign will release one reason per day up until the election.

Reason #12 to Vote Phil Hare Out of Office: Phil Hare was ranked 404th out of 435 Members of the House in effectiveness.

The Knowlegis Power Rankings rate the effectiveness of each member of Congress based on various criteria including position, indirect influence, legislative activity, and earmarks. Rep. Hare ranked just 404th, despite being from the majority party.

In a stark contrast, Bobby Schilling actually ranked 315th out of 13,500 agents in his last full year at Prudential Insurance Company.

Bobby Frederick, communications director for the Bobby Schilling campaign, said that Illinois families deserve an effective Congressman.

“As a union steward, insurance agent, and now a successful small business owner, Bobby Schilling has a proven track record as an effective worker with an indefatigable work ethic,” Frederick said. “With unemployment near 10% and Illinois ranked 48th out of 50 in job creation, we need new leaders who can create an environment to foster job growth. If people want a change in Washington, there is no better candidate prepared to roll up his sleeves and work for Illinois families than Bobby Schilling.”

Bobby Schilling, a native of Rock Island, graduated from Alleman High School and attended Black Hawk College. Schilling, a local business owner, is the Republican candidate for the 17th Congressional District in Illinois. Bobby is running on a platform of bringing jobs and real representation back to the 17th District. Earlier this year, Schilling conducted a 34-city “Bob’s for Jobs” tour, where he met with voters and employers all across the 17th District. Schilling was recently named an official ‘Young Gun’ by the National Republican Congressional Committee in their Young Guns program of top tiered races.

For more information about Bobby Schilling, please visit his website at

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