Reason #3 to Vote Out Phil Hare

From the Schilling for Congress campaign (17th District)…
Hare voted with Nancy Pelosi 98.8% of the time

EAST MOLINE, IL–The Bobby Schilling for Congress campaign unveiled the third reason in their “20 Reasons to Vote Out Phil Hare” series. The series will focus on Phil Hare’s record and explain why Phil Hare does not deserve re-election. The campaign will release one reason per day up until the election.

Reason #3 to Vote Phil Hare Out of Office: According to, Phil Hare voted with Nancy Pelosi 98% of the time.

Bobby Schilling, Republican candidate for Congress in the Illinois 17th District, said it’s clear that Phil Hare is not an independent thinker.

“Phil Hare has proven he is a rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi’s agenda,” Schilling said. “When small business owners needed Phil Hare to stand up and vote against the healthcare bill that will cost 1.6 million jobs by 2014, he stood with Pelosi. When Illinois families needed Phil Hare to stand up and vote against the Cap and Trade energy tax that would significantly raise energy costs and send 2.5 million jobs overseas, he stood with Pelosi. When our children needed Phil Hare to stand up and stop the deficit spending that risks our country’s future economic security, he stood with Pelosi. I will stand with the people of this district, not with party leadership. I am concerned about the interests of Illinois, not San Francisco.”

Bobby Schilling, a native of Rock Island, graduated from Alleman High School and attended Black Hawk College. Schilling, a local business owner, is the Republican candidate for the 17th Congressional District in Illinois. Bobby is running on a platform of bringing jobs and real representation back to the 17th District. Earlier this year, Schilling conducted a 34-city “Bob’s for Jobs” tour, where he met with voters and employers all across the 17th District. Schilling was recently named an official ‘Young Gun’ by the National Republican Congressional Committee in their Young Guns program of top tiered races.

For more information about Bobby Schilling, please visit his website at

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