The folks at have a series of articles about the mess that Illinois public employees pensions is in that is must reading. The articles are penned by expert Bill Zetter.
Of course, the pension mess is the single biggest trouble that Illinois (and most other states) face today. It is a ticking time bomb…. heck its a bomb exploding already, albeit in slow motion.
Here is what they’ve posted thus far:
Back To the Pension Future: What Did We Actually Guarantee?
Illinois Pensions: Rob the Poor and Give It to the Rich
If Public Employees Received Raises Equal to Yours There Would Be No Pension Deficit
Teacher Contributes Less for His $130K Pension Than You Do for Your $21K Social Security
Pension Mythology: When The Going Gets Tough, Just Make Stuff Up
Book Review: “Unsustainable” by James MacDougald
The Four Rules of “Too”: The Real Reason Why Illinois Pensions Are in Trouble
As always, there are lots of other great Illinois resources at, as well.