Rep. Mike Quigley: Worst Big Government Record in Congress

From the Ratowitz for Congress campaign…

David Ratowitz, Republican Candidate for Illinois’ 5th Congressional Seat, Attacks Incumbent Mike Quigley (D IL-5) for Fiscal Irresponsibility

U. S. Congressional Candidate, David Ratowitz (IL – 5), asks, “Who does Mike Quigley think he is fooling with a toothless ‘Sense of the House’ resolution on fiscal controls? Obviously, Mike Quigley doesn’t care about us, otherwise he would offer real opposition to the big government programs that spend our money instead of faking reform.”

Chicago, IL 16, 2010 — Long time transparency and pro-liberty advocate Candidate for U. S. Congress from Illinois’ 5th Congressional District, David Ratowitz questions the sincerity of Congressman, Mike Quigley (D –IL 5) for introducing a ‘Sense of the House’ resolution on fiscal discipline 6 days after introducing a bill to increase government spending for bird safety.

“Mike Quigley has among the worst records in Congress for supporting big government spending projects. Quigley has consistently supported the largest increase in the federal deficit in American history,” Ratowitz said today from his Chicago office.

A ‘Sense of the House’ resolution is a meaningless bill without any legal effect. The votes Mike Quigley cast in support of the reckless spending bills that have pushed the federal government’s bond rating to the brink of an historic downgrade are real votes for legislation with catastrophic implications for the working people of the 5th District

This follows a cynical pattern Mike Quigley has set throughout his long political career of talking reform, even publicly condemning the backroom deals he has made and supported with his votes as a legislator. It is time we expose Mike Quigley as a cynical fake reformer constructed, acquired, or altered by the General Services Administration (GSA).

On March 15th, 2010 Mike Quigley announced that he and Jim Cooper (D- TN) had introduced a “Sense of the House” resolution suggesting that Congress abide by fiscal restraints. Only 6 days earlier, Mike Quigley introduced an expensive pet project, HR 4797, The Federal Bird-Safe Buildings Act of 2010, a bill that mandates incorporating “bird friendly” designs and materials into all federal buildings any time they are “constructed, acquired, or altered by the General Services Administration (GSA).”

“At a time when the Federal Government is borrowing money to make social security payments because the trust fund is already spent, Congress needs members who believe reform is something to do, not to fake,” said Ratowitz.

Entrepreneur, Army veteran and activist David Ratowitz is the Republican challenger for Illinois Congressional District 5 representative. The Ratowitz for Congress campaign platform advocates a limited federal government, across-the-board tax cuts, fiscal discipline, accountability, free markets and individual liberty. Learn more at

One thought on “
Rep. Mike Quigley: Worst Big Government Record in Congress”

  1. it’s makes my teeth grind when i hear of a republican talking about fiscal responsibility – not that he’s wrong, but i keep thinking of the last president

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