Chris Matthews: Conservatives Are Like Hitler, White Men Want End to Minority Vote

-By Warner Todd Huston

During his November 26 MSNBC circus, Chris Matthews childishly linked conservatives unhappy with the results of the past election to Hitler and the Nazis. Not only that but he claimed that white men and Mitt Romney were really working to return our electoral system to the day when only white men that owned land were allowed to vote.

Before Matthews got to his illogical and disconnected Hitler comparison, Matthews first made the silly claim that one of Mitt Romney’s goals was to return the nation to a day when only landed, white men could vote.

Matthews began discounting the right’s reverence for our founding fathers then went on to disgorge his foolish conspiracy theory.

But the notion that the free men of this country are white men of property and that is really what Romney ran on, white men of property. He didn’t say it intellectually. I don’t think he put it in any words. But look who he was rallying to as, you know, as, as, Howie just pointed out, that seemed to be the rallying cry. “Men of property, join together. Defend the wagon train against the onslaught of the others!” That seemed to be what they were doing in this campaign.

Ah, so Romney didn’t say this at all and neither did anyone else, but Chrissy knows what they really mean, eh?

One hastens to point out that Romney’s poor campaign was more a reaction to Barack “Santa Claus” Obama and his “you didn’t build that” denigration of anyone that has what he deems too much to be allowed.

A little later, Howard Fineman claimed that the GOP seemed to discount Obama’s win because it was simply a lock that blacks and Hispanics would vote for Obama. Fineman said that there was an “extraterrestrial force out there of African-Americans and Hispanics” and that the GOP didn’t feel these people were part of the country. This is what sent Matthews into his delirium ad Hitlarium.

Acknowledging that he was about to head down this risible path, Matthews started his guffaw worthy attack by saying, “these references are always dangerous, but I’ll take it anyway.” He went on to go for the Godwin violation that no sensible person would commit.

The last person to say that– and I hate to– and this has no bearing on the Republican Party– and these references are always dangerous, but I’ll take it anyway– The last guy to refer to the black auxiliary was Hitler. Anyway, thank you Rick Hertzberg and thank you– During the ’36 Olympics, we had Jesse Owens and a couple other guys winning the Olympics and they were saying, “Well, they had their auxiliary out there.”

Again, no one, anywhere said anything like this except the shadows drifting around in the fevered imagination of the Chris Matthews.
“The only end of writing is to enable the reader better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
–Samuel Johnson

Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer. He has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and before that he wrote articles on U.S. history for several small American magazines. His political columns are featured on many websites such as Andrew Breitbart’s,, and, as well as,,,,, among many, many others. Mr. Huston is also endlessly amused that one of his articles formed the basis of an article in Germany’s Der Spiegel Magazine in 2008.

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