Gun Walker Guns Linked to 11 US Crime Scenes, BATF Officers PROMOTED!

-By Warner Todd Huston

Another update on the ever worsening scandal of Obama’s program to arm Mexican narco-terrorists is at hand. I know, it seems to be all I am writing about lately, but so much is happening with this deepening scandal. Now we’ve found out that not only have these gun walker guns ended up at 11 U.S. crime scenes, but the BATF officials responsible for the program have been given raises and promotions, not fired or even jailed as they should be!

First of all, the guns. The L.A. Times reports that at least 11 guns linked to the Obama program to arm Mexican narco-terrorists have been found at violent crime scenes right here in our own country. This is in addition to the murder of a U.S. border agent as previously reported…

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