America’s Unfocused Immigration Policy Hurts American Workers

-By Sy Woodsman

I work for Customs and Border Protection and witness daily the damage our misguided immigration policy does to American citizens.

Did you know it takes about 4 hours to send each illegal alien back? The report generation and CYA process is staggering. (CYA Cover Your A*s) The CYA process and is due to the multiple and ever vigilant immigration lawyers and is a tremendous waste of manpower. If only they fought for you the American citizen as hard as they do for illegal immigrants!
Do you realize that while real unemployment is listed as 15.8%, today I and my coworkers at Customs and Border Protection will have admitted multiple J1 Visas who will be doing a job that you, or your teenager, or any other actual American citizen might need?

Sadly, I will admit a B1 (business) Visa holder into the country tomorrow that will abuse the limits of said Visa. Educate yourself about the B1 Visa abuse.

Do you know about the H1B Visas and their abuse? Are we to still believe that at a U6 Unemployment rate of 15.8%, there are no American citizens who are programmers, systems analysts or other IT workers who are in need of the job while said jobs are taken by the alien?

Did you know that previously on finding abuse from H1B Visa holders CBP was sued? Tech companies have big lobby firms and these big lobby firms squeeze the walnuts of congress. Congress gives the orders and you can imagine that our vigilance often suffers with no support from superiors. The H1B Visa is supposed to be temporary, the job should pass to another, yet the path to resident (Green Card) status resulting in the job being kept is encouraged. We see evidence of that every day.

Immigration abuses do matter to you. Take a moment to read Mexico’s Immigration policy, for instance, to see how they try to avoid these issues. They protect their country and have the nerve to sue us when U.S. states attempt to enforce the law. Why would they do that? What is the grand plan?

Do you realize the incredible drain on taxpayer funds? That’s your money! They might as well take it out of your pocket on the street and hand it to the alien.

Citizens of the United States, please give us the means to enforce the law. You, the American citizen, have rights! You, the American citizen, deserve to be protected from criminals tossed out of other countries! You deserve the chance to have a job that isn’t not taken away by an alien! You have to demand it from congress since they are the servants who we’ve let become our Masters.
Sy Woodsman is the pseudonym of an officer of the Department of U.S. Customs and Border Protection. He is concerned that our laws are being broken and hopes to alert the nation about this abuse.

Copyright Publius Forum 2001