Tax Day Tea Party Now Even Bigger: Cain, Grover, Cisco – 4/18‏

The 2011 Chicago Tax Day Tea Party on Monday, April 18 at noon in Daley Plaza has grown even bigger. Businessman, tea party star and Presidential Candidate Herman Cain is now set to speak at the rally. Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform and one of the original authors of the Contract with America will also speak in Chicago on tax day. But that’s not all. We’ll also be joined by Cisco Cotto and Dan Proft from WLS AM-890.

Let us know you’re coming by registering here. You can also RSVP on Facebook here.

Herman Cain, Grover Norquist, Cisco Cotto and Dan Proft will round out an already stellar group of speakers, liberty leaders and regular people who are making a difference. The confirmed speakers at the event include:

We’ll also hear speeches from the 3 winners of the Chicago Tea Party Open Mic Night where people from our group earned the chance to speak on tax day.

The theme for this year’s event is “Reform Government. Restore Liberty.” We’ll come together once again in downtown Chicago, where the tea party movement began, to make government more accountable, stop out of control spending and stand up for freedom and individual liberty.

We are now at a turning point in the battle against big government. Increasingly all over the country, public sector unions and their supporters are pushing for higher taxes, more spending and even greater debt. We’ll continue our fight for less government, more freedom, fiscal responsibility and a brighter future for our children. We can achieve it together.

Let us know you’re coming by registering here, or you can RSVP on Facebook here. We’ll send you a reminder before the event and notify you if there are any changes.

For more information, call us at 773-599-0105.

For those of you wondering why tax day falls on April 18 this year: Friday, April 15 is a holiday in Washington, DC and government workers have the day off.

Copyright Publius Forum 2001