Head of Chicago Tea Party Resigns

-By Warner Todd Huston

After the controversy over his recent legal troubles, Steve Stevlic of the Chicago Tea Party resigned from his post as head of that organization on Friday, Oct. 7.

On the Chicago Tea Party website, Stevlic thanked supporters and apologized for any trouble he may have caused the movement.
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Head of Chicago Tea Party Resigns”

You Can Win a Chance to Meet Glenn Beck at TeaCon

From the Chicago Tea Party…

TeaCon 2011, the Midwest Tea Party Convention is coming up soon on Friday, September 30 and Saturday, October 1 in Schaumburg, IL. TeaCon will feature Glenn Beck, Andrew Breitbart, Dana Loesch, Steven Crowder, a day of engaging training and breakout sessions, a Presidential Straw Poll and much more. Tickets are going fast, so make sure to get yours now. Please use code “CHI” at checkout and a portion of the proceeds will benefit the Chicago Tea Party.

We are also offering an exciting opportunity to attend an exclusive meet and greet with Glenn Beck at TeaCon. This is your chance to meet and talk with Glenn and have your picture taken with him. We have three different ways you can win:
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You Can Win a Chance to Meet Glenn Beck at TeaCon”

Rockford Tea Party Calls for Resignation of Teamsters President

-By Warner Todd Huston

After Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa incited violence against Republicans as he introduced President Obama at Monday’s rally in Detroit, at least one organization called for Hoffa to resign over his intemperate and violent rhetoric. The Rockford Tea Party of northern Illinois made the call for Hoffa to resign.

Here is what Hoffa’s ignorant rhetoric sounded:

Rockford TEA PARTY calls for Labor Leader Jimmy Hoffa to Resign
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Rockford Tea Party Calls for Resignation of Teamsters President”

Local Ill. Library Board Wants ‘People Feeling Pain’ to Vote Tax Hikes for New Building

-By Warner Todd Huston

Even left-wing Morton Grove, Illinois is feeling the pinch of Tea Party principles as new town library board members begin revealing the perfidy of past board members that violated the state’s open meetings laws where they were found to be scheming to fool the taxpayers into hiking taxes for unnecessary new library building projects and other wasteful spending.

You might remember back in 2008 that Morton Grove was one of the first towns in American history to ban the Second Amendment within its jurisdiction, an action that went counter to the Supreme Court’s Heller decision. But despite the law city fathers tried to violate the Constitutional rights of their citizens until the threat of lawsuits forced the city to reverse course.

Morton Grove’s left leaning city officials, though, kept at their agenda in other ways after the change to their handgun ban in 2008. During 2010 library board meetings, for instance, it appears Morton Grove library board members violated Illinois open meetings laws by holding closed door meetings called executive sessions that they did not properly record and/or did not conduct approved business.
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Local Ill. Library Board Wants ‘People Feeling Pain’ to Vote Tax Hikes for New Building”

Chigo Tea Party: Tea Party Presidential Debate‏

From the Chicago Tea Party…

Chicago Tea Party Patriots Co-Sponsor first Tea Party Presidential Debate

The Tea Party Express is partnering with CNN for the first ever Tea Party Presidential debate. We’re honored to have been selected as a co-sponsor of the debate. This is a huge victory for the movement because before last year’s mid-term election victories no news network would have partnered with any tea party group to do anything like this. Two years ago, Kathy Barkulis challenged CNN reporter Susan Roesgen at the first Chicago Tax Day Tea Party and now CNN is partnering with the tea party. This shows how far the movement has come. The debate will be held on September 12, 2011 in Tampa, FL, the location of the 2012 Republican convention.
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Chigo Tea Party: Tea Party Presidential Debate‏”

Chicago Tea Party: Do You Have Time for a $90 Billion Phone Call?‏

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Please contact your legislators today to tell them to support critical pension reform in the state of Illinois. A vote may happen this week, before the May 31 deadline. Illinois is broke with an estimated public debt of $210 billion. Our debt was downgraded 9 times in 2010. Governor Quinn and the Democrat politicians in Springfield raised your income taxes by 67% in January, yet we still have an $8 billion budget gap. The main cause is exorbitant pension and healthcare promises made to public employees. Thousands of public employees have been promised million or multi-million dollar pensions.

Contact your State Representative and your State Senator and let them know you want them to vote “Yes” on public pension reform.

Click below to find the phone and email address of your own:
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Chicago Tea Party: Do You Have Time for a $90 Billion Phone Call?‏”

Tax Day Tea Party Now Even Bigger: Cain, Grover, Cisco – 4/18‏

The 2011 Chicago Tax Day Tea Party on Monday, April 18 at noon in Daley Plaza has grown even bigger. Businessman, tea party star and Presidential Candidate Herman Cain is now set to speak at the rally. Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform and one of the original authors of the Contract with America will also speak in Chicago on tax day. But that’s not all. We’ll also be joined by Cisco Cotto and Dan Proft from WLS AM-890.

Let us know you’re coming by registering here. You can also RSVP on Facebook here.

Herman Cain, Grover Norquist, Cisco Cotto and Dan Proft will round out an already stellar group of speakers, liberty leaders and regular people who are making a difference. The confirmed speakers at the event include:
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Tax Day Tea Party Now Even Bigger: Cain, Grover, Cisco – 4/18‏”

Chicago Tea Party: We Won The Ronald Reagan Award

From the Chicago Tea Party…

We are very proud and humbled to tell you that the Chicago Tea Party Patriots were honored with the Ronald Reagan Award at CPAC 2011 in Washington, DC. The Ronald Reagan Award is CPAC’s highest honor and we’re one of only four tea party groups in the entire country to receive it. This is a group award recognizing all of your efforts over the past year. Congratulations to everyone.

CPAC says of the award: “From the beginning, the annual Ronald Reagan Award is given not to the generals of the movement, but to the soldiers, the men and women working in the trenches who sacrificed, and in so doing set an example for others. In past years, the award – which is our highest – has gone to grassroots organizers, taxpayer advocates, and those whose names may not be household names, but whose work has affected us all.” The American Conservative Union is the nation’s oldest and largest grassroots conservative organization and their CPAC conference is the largest annual gathering of conservatives.
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Chicago Tea Party: We Won The Ronald Reagan Award”

Chicago Tea Party, Our next event…‏

From the Chicago Tea Party…

Join us at our March Meeting: Tea Party vs. Flee Party

You won’t want to miss our next monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 2 at 7:00PM at Blackie’s, 755 S. Clark. We will be making three major announcements about the future of the Chicago Tea Party. You’ll want to be the first to know and get involved.

We’ll discuss our efforts to support Gov. Scott Walker in the Madison, Wisconsin budget battle, how it will affect us in Illinois and what it means for the country. Our speakers at the meeting will include:
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Chicago Tea Party, Our next event…‏”

Illinois Police Help Fleeing Wisc. Dem Senators Avoid Doing Their Jobs

From the Chicago Tea Party…

Members of the Illinois Tea Party received a tip indicating the Democratic State Senators who fled the state of Wisconsin rather than doing their jobs were in a hotel in Illinois. After hearing the news, they promptly dropped their groceries and made the 15 minute drive to the town of Harvard, IL. (WI State Senator Chris Larson (D) pictured below)

Jane Carrell of the Northern Illinois Tea Party has the latest on the situation.

Northern Illinois Tea Party board member Doc got to the Heritage Suites in Harvard and found the fleeing senators in the lobby of the motel. He said that they were laughing like school children. News cameras were there.

Check out the Tea Party report at Chicago Tea Party.

Chicago Tea Party to the Rescue‏

From the Chicago Tea Party

Thank you

Thank you to the hundreds of Tea Party Patriots from Chicago and across the state of Illinois who traveled to Madison on Saturday to defend the taxpayers and parents of Wisconsin. We organized car pools, drove our friends and neighbors and paid our own way to get to the rally. We weren’t bused in by Organizing for America, SEIU, or the Democrat National Committee. This is a critical battle in the fight between freedom and big government and it will be repeated in state after state across the country.

Here is what is at stake in Wisconsin: will we live in a country where we have individual liberty, economic opportunity and a government that lives within its means, or will we live in a country where public sector unions buy our elected officials with our own tax money and government spending bankrupts our children and grandchildren? We can’t afford to lose this one in WI, and we took a giant step forward this weekend.
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Chicago Tea Party to the Rescue‏”

Wisconsin State Senators Hide in IL to Prevent Voting

From the Chicago Tea Party…

Stand with Governor Scott Walker This Saturday in Wisconsin

What is happening in Wisconsin right now could prove to be a turning point in the fight against big government. Democrat State Senators in the state of Wisconsin have decided that the public sector unions are more important than representative democracy and the consent of the people. The voters in Wisconsin elected a Republican Governor, U.S. Senator and state legislature in November, but the Democrats don’t appear to think elections matter. The public sector unions are proving they are only interested in one thing: power.

Increasingly all over the country, Democrats and the unions are trying to create mayhem and disorder in hopes that hardworking taxpayers will just give up. But we’re not going to give up. We need to stand with Gov. Scott Walker in Wisconsin.
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Wisconsin State Senators Hide in IL to Prevent Voting”

Chicago Tea Party: Repeal the Tax Hike

From the Chicago Tea Party…

If you’re outraged over the 67% income tax increase and the 46% corporate income tax increase in Illinois, then please join us at our next monthly meeting. Our featured speaker will be John Tillman, CEO of the Illinois Policy Institute. We will discuss our efforts to repeal the tax hike and reform out of control government spending. Find out what you can do to help make a difference.

Click here to register for the Chicago Tea Party February Meeting. You can also RSVP through Facebook.
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Chicago Tea Party: Repeal the Tax Hike”

Chicago’s 45th Ward Aldermanic Forum January 26th

Forum reminder–remember it’s going to take all of us to get the word out. We’ve got ads in the Nadig Press, and announcements all over, but not everyone sees them. With Levar not running, and a full field of qualified candidates, we want to make sure we all are able to make an informed decision!

45th Ward Aldermanic Forum

Wednesday, January 26th 7:00 PM (with meet & greet a 6:30)
Copernicus Center
5216 W. Lawrence Ave.
(parking available in lot)

45th Ward Aldermanic Candidates:
Don Blair – John Garrido – John Arena
Anna Klocek – Jose/Joe L. Rivera (not confirmed as of 1/3/11)
Marina Yolanda Faz-Huppert – Bruno Bellissimo
Michael Fitzgerald Ward
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Chicago’s 45th Ward Aldermanic Forum January 26th”

Illinois: Our Last Chance to Stop the Highest Taxes in the World‏

From the Chicago Tea Party…

We can stop it…….

The Democrats don’t have the votes yet to pass their economy crushing, job killing, freedom stealing 75% tax increase. Governor Quinn, House Speaker Madigan and Senate President Cullerton came to an agreement last week on the proposed tax increase, but they’ve been unsuccessful in convincing enough Democrat members of the House and Senate to support this man caused disaster. Here’s what has taxpayers and businesses across Illinois looking up moving companies:

  • Your personal state income taxes will go up by 75%, increasing to 5.25% of your income.
  • State corporate tax rates will increase to 10.9%, making the taxes on Illinois businesses the highest in the industrial world.
  • Cigarette taxes will go up by $1 to $1.98 per pack. Even if you’re not a smoker, this will cause more people to cross the border into Indiana, Wisconsin & Missouri to buy their cigarettes (and other products while they’re there), costing the state more revenue. Keep in mind that Chicago is the state’s largest border city.

We have a structural budget gap in Illinois. The total budget gap is running at a staggering 40%, but the solution is not raising taxes by 75%. The only approach we can count on to solve Illinois’ budget crisis is to stop spending. We need to tell our representatives that we want them to vote NO to tax increases, NO to more spending, NO to more borrowing and NO to new government programs.

Representatives you should target
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Illinois: Our Last Chance to Stop the Highest Taxes in the World‏”

Chicago Tea Party 9/12 Rally

Please join us for the Chicago Tea Party 9/12 Rally on Sunday, September 12 at 1:00 PM at St. Paul Woods, 6594 Oakton, Morton Grove, IL. This will be a family friendly event with plenty of activities and fun for the kids. Bring your lawn chairs and your blankets and enjoy great food, beverages and cold beer. Free admission and free parking. RSVP here or through Facebook.

We will pay tribute to our troops and honor the memory of those who died in the attacks of 9/11. This rally will also feature prominent speakers, local liberty leaders and regular Americans who are making a difference.

The speakers include (speeches begin at 3PM):

* Bill Brady, Candidate for IL Governor
* Joel Pollak, Candidate for U.S. Congress, IL-9
* Joe Walsh, Candidate for U.S. Congress, IL-8
* Cedra Crenshaw, Candidate for IL State Senate, 43rd District
* Zachary Oltmanns, Illinois Conservatives
* C. Steven Tucker, TruthaboutObamacare.com
* More speakers to be announced

Enjoy LIVE music from John Condron and The Benefit (“Tea Party Stomp”), The Bert Cattoni Band, Gravemist and more. Come out and spend a beautiful Sunday with like minded individuals – you are not alone. This rally is being held in the 9th Congressional District – let’s make sure Rep. Jan Schakowsky knows you’re not alone either.

Cook County Commissioner Peraica at the Chicago Tax Day Tea Party

Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica produced this video of his attendance at the Tax Day Tea Party event held in Daly Plaza, in beautiful, corrupt downtown Chicago!

Tony is right to mention the “corruption tax” we in Crook County pay every day. Let’s hope that in November of 2010 these tea party efforts will help bring about the real hope and change that this country needs.