Dold: Healthcare, an Historic Missed Opportunity

From the Bob Dold for Congress campaign (10th District)…

The healthcare bill recently passed by Congress and signed into law by the President is an historic missed opportunity that will adversely affect the 10th Congressional District and chill the creation of new jobs. While nobody disputes that healthcare reform is needed, this legislation is the by-product of a corrupt and partisan process that ignored the voices of job creators throughout our country. By more than a 2-to-1 margin, Americans have voiced their opposition to this bill. Unfortunately, their voices fell on the deaf ears of Congress. When presented with an opportunity to work together and craft reforms with consensus, the U.S. Congress chose politics over policy.

I have always supported healthcare reform. Specifically, I have advocated the merits of addressing medical malpractice costs, and have promoted consumer-driven care as a means to reduce costs and expand coverage. However, this new healthcare reform addresses neither of these issues. This legislation threatens to bankrupt our great nation through tax increases, and places new and expensive burdens on small businesses. In short, this legislation does not address the root cause of the problem – healthcare is too expensive. Instead, it simply shifts the burden on to businesses, taxpayers and seniors.

To represent your voice better, I am asking for your support and participation in my campaign. We are building a movement of concerned Americans. We are building a movement of common sense individuals. We are building a movement of supporters who want to point our country in the right direction.

It would be an honor to have you join our campaign, whether through volunteering your time or offering your financial backing. Without you, we cannot be successful. In return, I promise to always listen to your concerns and, if elected, represent you with integrity.

If you are in a position to donate to our campaign, I would be appreciative of any amount that you are willing to contribute. This Congressional race will be one of the most visible and important races in the country. We expect national funds to start to flow into the District soon from the Democratic Party. It is vital that we raise a significant amount of money in order to prevent this Congressional seat from falling into the hands of the Democratic Party.

Please take a moment right now to make a generous contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more so that I may have the privilege to represent you in Washington.

If you would like to become involved and become a local precinct leader, please visit our website at, or call 847-251-3653. I also encourage you to become a fan of our campaign on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Let’s get to work!

Robert Dold

Copyright Publius Forum 2001