8th District, Joe Walsh to Bean: Learn from Lipinski and vote NO

From the Walsh for congress campaign…

(LAKE ZURICH, IL)– Today, Republican Congressional nominee Joe Walsh called on his opponent, three-term incumbent Melissa Bean, to learn from her Illinois Democrat colleague Dan Lipinski and vote “NO” on Obamacare.

Illinois U.S. Rep. Dan Lipinski, a Democrat who represents the 3rd district, has joined the ranks of other Congressional Democrats displaying the courage to vote with their conscience– not their party.

This is all the more significant considering Lipinski has a 90% liberal rating from Americans for Democratic Action highlighting the fact that Lipinski normally votes in lockstep with his party’s left-wing leadership.

Not this time.

“The health care bill is not about party but policy,” said Walsh. “It is about promoting policies that improve the quality of care for families and lessen the tax burdens on small businesses. The Obamacare does just the opposite on both counts.”

Walsh noted that, according to a study by the Illinois Policy Institute, Illinois stands to lose 169,000 jobs if the Obamacare bill is enacted.

In contrast to Lipinski, Bean has been one of the President’s most loyal followers on his proposed federal government takeover of health care, meeting with the administration as recently as yesterday to discuss how to get the necessary votes in the House.

“The only good news from the proposed Obamacare legislation is that Melissa Bean has been exposed for who she really is,” Walsh said. “She is not the independent Democrat she pretends to be. She is little more than a knee-jerk roll call vote for the current administration’s big government agenda.”
Joe Walsh is the Republican candidate running against Democrat incumbent Melissa Bean in 2010 for the Illinois 8th Congressional District. Born and raised in North Barrington, a policy advocate, teacher, and business entrepreneur, Joe has spent his adult life advancing limited-government and conservative principles. For more information on Joe Walsh and his campaign visit


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