Welfare Skanks, Obama Effigies & French Thought Police: Headline Potpourri #12

-By Frederick Meekins

Albert Mohler’s sidekick Russel Moore denounced the Obama Effigy as “Satanic”. Was this theologian as outspoken in condemning similar outrageous attacks against other political figures such President Bush and Sarah Palin? More importantly, would he now care to speak out against the Founding Fathers for similar protests against King George during the Revolutionary War, or is this form of protest only immoral when directed against a Black person?

New York City health officials in a pamphlet are teaching junkies the proper method for shooting up dope. Yet it must be pointed out that this is the jurisdiction where scholastic bakesales are on the verge of prohibition and where, if city officials had their way, table salt would be frowned upon apparently more now than hard narcotics.

French thought police plot to invade private homes. This is to be done in the name of preventing “psychological violence” by criminalizing robust domestic verbal disagreements. However, what advocates of this law might not be telling you is that, to the left-leaning man-haters out there, this offense consists of little more than simply disagreeing with a woman, verbally boring into a woman during a spat started by a woman, or merely speaking to one when they’ve basically told you to shutup.

It should be interesting to see how this law plays out. For you see, France is being overrun by Islamic immigrants and it is part of their religion to beat their wives and even kill them when they get out of line. Since France is a Western European social democracy, in most instances these multiculturalists lack the spine to declare that a foreign culture is in the wrong. Therefore, what will happen will be that the Muslims will continue to do whatever it is they do to their women and it will be the European male that will be further denuded for fear of criminal prosecution.

A major university is in a tizzy that only 20% of bicyclists are women. It is amazing the kinds of things that will set the Leftist mind into a hand-wringing depression. Before it is all over with, men will be chewed out for doing even environmentally conscious things.

A second grader was suspended and ordered to have a psychological evaluation for drawing a picture of Christ upon the cross for an assignment about what reminded the student about the holidays. Had the lad placed his art work in a vat of urine he could qualify for a government grant or, if he peed on it himself, he could get his own HBO sitcom. School officials claim the child is guilty of drawing a “violent picture”. Newsflash, boys — unless you want them emasculated and docile — draw violent pictures. With China on the move around the world and the Towelheads constantly on the rampage, these scholastic sisses better pray boys keep drawing violent pictures if they want this great country to survive as the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

Congress is investigating if scholastic admission standards are lowered for men. Did they investigate when the criteria was lowered for assorted minorities? And for that matter, is Congress also going to investigate young men having to pay higher insurance rates when even insurance agents today will admit the contemporary female is as every bit as scatterbrained as her male counterpart? And even if they weren’t, doesn’t the emphasis on “egalitarianism” dictate in the name of fairness the same price irrespective of how the one’s plumbing is hooked up?

Mark Steyn, filling in for Rush Limbaugh, reported a blogger was arrested for refusing to reveal his income to airport security. Is nice how our government harasses actual Americans defending their privacy while allowing terrorists and illegals free access to the United States.

Rush Limbaugh can’t grasp why don’t Americans just pay their hospital bills out of their pockets or on easy payment installment plans. Maybe this would be a possibility if we each made $20 million a year like he does.

A public service announcement is encouraging skanks in favor of Obama’s healthcare proposal to withhold carnal favors from those opposed to the legislation. If nothing else, at least these fiscal parasites might diminish their strain on the gene pool for a while.

In the 12/18/09 edition of “Science”, the fury hominid on the cover is heralded as the “Breakthrough of the Year”. However, a note on the table of contents clarifies how the creature is only a “possible human ancestor”.

An openly lesbian degenerate has been elected as an Episcopal bishop in California. We all sin, but why should we heed the call to righteousness by someone that doesn’t even feel shame for their flagrant shortcomings but rather wallows in them with pride. But then again, about the only things still labeled sins these days is insisting that sin exists, failure to become a mindless drone of the COMMUNITY, and for thinking America as envisioned by the Founding Fathers is not the source of all the worlds troubles but rather one of the few places where most of these ills are kept reasonably at bay.

Oral Roberts has died. Will Holy Rollers consistently say he lacked faith, or is that a condemnation thrown only at we lesser Christians?

Obama cancelled lunch with the King of Norway. The monarch is likely too Caucasian as you can’t get much whiter than the Norwegians. The President certainly has no problem bowing before the Japanese Emperor or other exotic despots.

A Nigerian has tried to blow up a jetliner by setting his crotch on fire. Wonder how long until his wife sends an email pleading for support where she promises a return on your initial investment if you’ll only hand over the details to your bank account. More importantly, was “Goodness Gracious Great Balls Of Fire” playing on the Nigerian terrorist’s I-Pod.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome may be enough to run passengers afoul of airline security. If passengers can’t use the bathroom an hour before landing because terrorists might sneak in there to hatch their plots to blow up jets, what is to stop them from now going in the lavatory an hour and a half before landing? Your are just as dead if they blow you apart at 30,000 feet or as you descend over the tarmac.

The gunman that shot up the Holocaust Museum has died in prison. Good riddance.
Dr. Frederick Meekins is an Internet columnist. He holds a BS from the University of Maryland in Political Science/History and a MA in Apologetics & Christian Philosophy from Trinity Theological Seminary. He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Practical Theology through the Master’s Graduate School Of Divinity in Evansville, Indiana. Frederick’s research interests include Worldview Application, Christian Apologetics, The Implications of Aberrant Theologies & Ideologies, Futurology, Eschatology, Science Fiction, Terrorism Studies, Environmentalism, Education Policy and America’s Judeo-Christian Foundations. Frederick is also an ordained Non-Denominational Minister and listed in “Who’s Who In America” and in “Who‘s Who Of Emerging Leaders“. Media inquiries can be directed to: americanworldview@hotmail.com. His books “Yuletide Terror & Other Holiday Horrors” and “Provide For The Common Defense: Thoughts Concerning The Nation’s Enemies” are available at http://stores.lulu.com/fmeekins. His blog, The Epistolizer, can be found at http://epistolizer.blogspot.com.

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