America Will Weep

-By Marie Jon’

When all is said and done, if Sen. Barack Obama becomes President of the United States, I for one will not be celebrating. I know the real Obama; he is America’s enemy, along with the party which has been bought and paid for by men like George Soros. He and other Socialist/Communist sympathizers hide themselves within the once honorable Democrat Party.

The specter of an Obama administration is foreboding. He is an odious person who wants to throw our country into Socialism. He is not apologetic for the truths he has hidden from us. Obama brings with him far left cronies and policies and seeks to usher in a new era of history hardly befitting an American president no matter what his race, creed or color.

America is on its way to becoming radicalized, infused with the philosophy and thoughts gleaned from Obama’s many anti-American friends. The unrepentant terrorist professor, William Ayers, whose dreams will be fulfilled in an Obama administration, is but one of these. Many of our youth will become foot solders filled with anti-American thoughts. Our public schools and higher learning institutions have become bastions of far left ideology. Patriotism is no longer taught. However, unionized teachers see fit to wear Obama political pins in the classrooms.

Americans had their chance to see Barack Obama up close and personal while viewing him through the media and YouTube sermons featuring Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Rev. Otis Moss III of Trinity United Church. Yet too many chose to ignore these bigoted, despicable anti-American, anti-Semitic people while marching to the polls to vote in the primaries. They have allowed themselves to become “useful idiots,” including Colin Powell

There are few days left to turn from the course toward which America is headed. Our rights as citizens already have been compromised by out-and-out brazen voter fraud, funded partially by Obama’s campaign. Obama has deep ties with ACORN. To this day he lies about his involvement with the organization that is attempting to steal the election. He was also heavily involved with the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failures, another connection America fails to recognize.

The Democrats in Congress ignored President Bush’s warnings when he first came into office, and many times thereafter. Bush did not recommend or sanction cooking the books as a way to help lower income citizens to own a home. Yet the media and the Democrat Party have managed to frame this issue and put the blame on the Republican Party and the president. In 2005 Sen. John McCain unsuccessfully tried to pass a bill that would reform these two government entities. The Democrats in Congress killed the bill. The Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mismanagement is now a global fiscal problem.

Socialism! There, I’ve Said It

Communists For Obama:Stalinist Tactics Used To Silence Critics

Obama’s Radical Friends Exposed — Produced By Fox News Corp

Marie Jon’ is a political/religious-based writer. She is the founder of — a sister website to RenewAmerica. Marie extends her hand of welcome. Come visit her website and receive your free gift of salvation by taking an on line Bible study. She personally invites you to join Christians from all over the world by becoming a free member of GOD Fellowship The site is a nondenominational gathering of believers.

Marie’s writings have appeared on many sites, including The New Media Journal, ChronWatch, and Commonconservative, to name a few. She is a regular columnist for Capitolhillcoffeehouse, The Daley Times Post, RenewAmerica, The Conservative Voice, Newsbull,,, and

Marie brings a refreshing and spirited point of view that is reflected in her writings, as well as a genuine and spiritual opinion regarding God and his teachings. Marie is an practicing Christian, a nurse, a student of the Bible, and a patriot. Many of Marie’s articles are a reflection of her great admiration for those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. She is an advocate for the troops, as well as the Blue and Gold Star Mothers of America, and their families. Marie has appeared as a guest with political talk show host Bruce Elliott on WBAL-1090 AM. Saturdays 5AM-9AM EST

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