Warner Todd Huston
Typical of too many Northern based media outlets, Politico indulged in a little South bashing today with a story on a remark about Pennsylvania spoken in 2006 by Clinton Democratic operative James Carville. In attempting to explain the political climate of the Keystone state, Carville basically said that state looked like Paoli (a suburb of Philadelphia) and Penn Hills (a suburb of Pittsburgh) with Alabama in between. Despite Carville’s claims that he didn’t mean it as any sort of slam, Politico and many Pennsylvanians are acting as if being compared to the culturally conservative and religious parts of Alabama is an outrageous insult. This incident just shows once again that the political elite and the media are utterly biased against the American Southland in general and religious Americans in particular.
Representative of the hate for the south imbued in our nose-in-the-air political operatives is public affairs consultant, Larry Ceisler who has “ties to the Democratic Party” in Pennsylvania. Ceisler told Politico that being compared to Alabama is a “slander.”
“People think it meant that basically there are two areas of the state where people can read and write and treat people with a certain amount of respect and the rest of the state is redneck trailer trash,” said Larry Ceisler, a Philadelphia public affairs consultant with ties to the Democratic Party. “It ended up being a slander on people who are living in those places. I would like to see the line retired.”
For his part, Carville claimed that he “meant the central and northern tier of the state were culturally conservative with a large number of churchgoers. Hence, the comparison to Alabama.” He says he in no way meant the quip as any sort of slanderous comparison.
Still, many lefties in the state are upset at the comparison anyway.
“People dreaded hearing it again,” said Stephen Medvic, a government professor at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster. “There ought to be a better way to describe the state.”
Is it surprising that a university professor seems to hate the south like this? Not to me, sadly.
But there you have the nub of this argument over meaning. Democrats and media types in Pennsylvania are upset that they are being linked to “churchgoers” and conservatives as if that is the worst possible thing one could be likened to.
This pretty much shows the contempt that Democrats and the media have for the largest portion of America who are culturally conservative and religious. After all, Pennsylvanians weren’t compared to Iran or al Qaeda! They were compared to other Americans.
Yet to the Politico and these Democrats and educators in Pennsylvania it is a stigma on their “good” name!
Yep, it’s just another example of the hate that the media and Democrats have for the South, the religious and conservatives.
Warner Todd Huston
Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer, has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and is featured on many websites such as newsbusters.org, townhall.com, New Media Journal, Men’s News Daily and the New Media Alliance among many, many others. Additionally, he has been a frequent guest on talk-radio programs to discuss his opinion editorials and current events. He has also written for several history magazines and appears in the new book “Americans on Politics, Policy and Pop Culture” which can be purchased on amazon.com. He is also the owner and operator of publiusforum.com. Feel free to contact him with any comments or questions : EMAIL Warner Todd Huston