Shocking Story of Gay Porn as Required Reading in High School

-By Warner Todd Huston

The story of an Illinois high school making a gay pornographic play required reading for seniors has been reported since March 7th, but it has been ignored for the most part with only a handful of news outlets having taken on this issue. The fact that a public high school that requires such reading doesn’t raise a fuss in the media shows how the media supports the gay agenda, of course.

The book, “Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes,” has numerous passages that describes gay sexual encounters in exacting, sometimes violent, detail.

The book, “Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes,” has numerous passages that describes gay sexual encounters in exacting detail, some of them violent.

Initially, this book was required reading for college-bound seniors, but a Deerfield community group was successful in getting the book removed from the required list and placed on an opt-in list.

Matt Barber, director of cultural issues with Concerned Women for America, was amazed by the explicit nature of the book.

Barber said, “This isn’t a First Amendment issue. This is about school officials betraying the community trust. Heads need to roll here. Assigning this racist, pornographic smut to high school kids is nothing short of child abuse.”

This same school district has been in hot water before for trying to slip in under the radar homosexual advocacy into the curriculum.

The school district and NSSA clashed last year over a freshman orientation session where students talked about bullying and other issues and included gay students relating their experience in high school.

And yet, the news media stays silent on this issue. It isn’t hard to understand why. The MSM wants neither to alert people who would stand against this effort nor report the success, even if minor, of these people trying to head off the instituting of the homosexual agenda in our schools.


Warner Todd Huston is a Chicago based freelance writer, has been writing opinion editorials and social criticism since early 2001 and is featured on many websites such as,, New Media Journal, Men’s News Daily and the New Media Alliance among many, many others. Additionally, he has been a frequent guest on talk-radio programs to discuss his opinion editorials and current events. He has also written for several history magazines and appears in the new book “Americans on Politics, Policy and Pop Culture” which can be purchased on He is also the owner and operator of Feel free to contact him with any comments or questions : EMAIL Warner Todd Huston

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