Mitt Flops

“Look, I was an Independent during the time of Reagan/Bush. I am not trying to return to Reagan/Bush.”
(Mitt Romney, 1994 Senate Debate, Boston, MA, 10/25/94)

“I wasn’t a Ronald Reagan conservative.” (Mitt Romney In Interview with Marc Ambinder, “Romney Explains Himself,” National Journal, 2/9/07)

“I’m very clear I think, to the people across the Commonwealth – my “R” didn’t stand so much for Republican as it does for reform.”
(Romney Video, accessed 9/19/07)

“I’m not running as the Republican view or a continuation of Republican values. That’s not what brings me to the race.”
(Romney Video, accessed 9/19/07)

2 thoughts on “Mitt Flops”

  1. Mitt Romney has explained time and time again that this qoute about returing to Reagan/Bush is being used out of context. He was talking specifically about deficit spending. He was not talking about conservatism.
    When conservatives reject a candidate who agrees with almost everything we espouse because he did not always agree with us with look foolish and petty. Conversion is an important part of politics. Mitt Romney has been converted on some issues which means he will be better able to convert others. He is the only viable conservative candidate and it is time to get behind him.

  2. …and if you don’t believe that he’ll make some “change” that will make you feel better. Truth be damned!

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