Quick Takes

Bills Introduced in the House this week:

The Disabled Persons’ Legal Protection Act, sponsored by Dave Weldon (R-FL), would extend due process protection to disabled individuals who are the subject of a court order to affect their death by removal of nutrition, hydration or medical treatment.

Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) introduced the Freedom Flat Tax Act (HR 1040) to phase-in a flat tax over a three-year period and allow businesses and individuals to voluntarily opt into the system.

Sam Johnson (R-TX) introduced HR 1073, HR 1074, and HR 1075 to bring more accountability and transparency to the financial and administrative operations of the country’s labor unions.

John Hostettler (R-IN) introduced the Secure Access to Firearms Enhancement (SAFE) Act, which would allow law-abiding gun owners who can legally carry guns in their home state the right to carry across the country.

(Thanks the Federalist Email Reports- FederralistPatriot.US)

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