Steve Rauschenberger Will Fight for Illinois Prosperity‏

From the Ill. Chamber of Commerce…

We need leaders in Illinois that will stand up and fight to restore prosperity to our communities.

Steve Rauschenberger is one of those leaders — and that’s why we support him for election to the 22nd State Senate District.

Long known as one of the foremost budget experts in Illinois, Steve’s will oppose higher taxes and fight the reckless spending that has led Illinois to our current fiscal crisis.

I urge you to watch this brief video in which Steve shares his vision for restoring prosperity to the Prairie State:

In order for Illinois to return to prosperity, we need leaders in Springfield who will work to empower Illinois employers to grow and create new jobs.

Steve Rauschenberger is one of those leaders.

Todd Maisch
Vice President of Government Affairs
Illinois Chamber of Commerce

P.S. Learn more about Steve by visiting his Web site or by connecting with him on Facebook.

State Senator Noland Misleads With Untrue Campaign Mailings

-By Warner Todd Huston

The 22nd State Senate District is being badly served by its incumbent Democrat Mike Noland. Several of the campaign fliers that Noland has sent out to his constituents are filled with half truths and untruths and one of his emailed campaign solicitations was listed as being sent from his taxpayer-funded offices in Springfield and Elgin, a violation of campaign finance laws.

In one flier, Noland claimed he “affected change” in three major areas – creating jobs, achieving ethics reform and fighting for tax relief.

Noland claimed he created jobs by being the chief sponsor of a microloan program for small businesses. But that fact is the bill he sponsored, while it did pass, had all the microloan language stripped from it before passage. As it happens Noland didn’t create a single opportunity as he claimed. His bill was materially altered making his flier claim an outright lie.

The same flier also claims that Noland got “$40 million and 500 jobs for Harper College.” But this is a half truth. While the state did include the $40 million in its future projects, the fact is no $40 has been allocated and the “future projects” plans are not assured to ever be funded. This project may never be funded at all so Noland’s claims are premature at the very least.
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State Senator Noland Misleads With Untrue Campaign Mailings”

Mike Noland Thinks Outside Money Means ‘More Support’? Not From Voters it Isn’t!

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Daily Herald has an interesting story detailing the fundraising of the two candidates vying for the 22nd District State Senator seat in the Elgin, Illinois area. The story shows the anti-voter ideas in which Democrats wallow.

The piece reports that incumbent Democrat Mike Noland has raised $107,000 for his race for State Senate while his GOP challenger, Steve Rauscnehberger, has raised $71,000.

That seems like a horrible gap between incumbent Democrat and the resurgent Republican, doesn’t it? Dem. Noland sure sees it that way. “I just got more support, period, throughout,” Noland told reporters.

But does he have “more support”? Not from his actual voters he doesn’t. Tucked into the Herald story is this line…
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Mike Noland Thinks Outside Money Means ‘More Support’? Not From Voters it Isn’t!”

Rauschenberger on Ill. House Speaker Madigan: ‘We Impeached the Wrong Guy’

-By Warner Todd Huston

Steve Rauschenberger is running to once again take the 22nd State Senate seat and during his as we discussed earlier this week.

I’d like to highlight some stark truth that Mr. Rauschenberger uttered that night about the particular failures of the Democrat Speaker of the Illinois House, Mike Madigan. Rauschenberger thinks we should have impeached Madigan instead of Blagojevich.

“Mike Madigan has been Speaker of the Illinois House for 28 of the last 30 years. He is the architect of the worst funded public pensions in America.It’s time we hold the Chicago bosses accountable.”

We support Rauschenberger to retake the 22nd District Senate Seat.
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Rauschenberger on Ill. House Speaker Madigan: ‘We Impeached the Wrong Guy’”

Steve Rauschenberger Officially Launches Bid for 22nd District State Senate Seat

-By Warner Todd Huston

Steve Rauschengerger held the State Senate seat of the 22nd District for many years until he bowed out to make a run for Governor in 2006. Since that time Rauschenberger imagined that he had hung up his political hat, never to run again. That was until the current General Assembly retired for the Summer without a final budget. It was then that he knew he had to run again.

“This is the worst situation in Springfield I can ever imagine,” Rauschenberger said after his kickoff address to a crowd of about 75 people in his Elgin campaign office on Douglas Avenue. The Chicago-based leadership “felt politics were more important” than coming up with a balanced budget, Rauschenberger said.

“There are 48 other states that have a balanced budget,” Rauschenberger said, noting that the only other state in as dire a situation as Illinois is California, which has a $16 billion budget deficit.

Good luck to Mr. Rauschenberger.
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Steve Rauschenberger Officially Launches Bid for 22nd District State Senate Seat”

22nd District State Senate: Rauschenberger Slams Democrat’s Video Gambling Law

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Daily Herald is reporting on a pointed exchange between 22nd District incumbent State Senator Mike Noland and GOP challenger Steve Rauschenberger over the Democrats reliance on revenue from video gambling to fund state pork projects.

Noland was desperately trying to make the GOP out to be the bad guys because some Republicans were for the video gambling law when it was implemented last year but now some of them are balking at the spending that Democrats want to do with the money they think they are getting from gambling.

Noland whined that “now it’s largely Republicans who are trying to create a roadblock,” to use of the money. Noland is trying to claim that state Republicans are merely trying to prevent people getting jobs from the capital bill just before an election, intimating that state jobs on Quinn’s attach would bring Democrat the votes that the GOP wants to prevent.

In reply Rauschenberger made some excellent points.
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22nd District State Senate: Rauschenberger Slams Democrat’s Video Gambling Law”