-By Warner Todd Huston
The list of Barack Obama associates that hold views that clash with mainstream America is getting longer every day and now we can add another notch in the “anti-American” column of Obama campaign workers and supporters. This time we find that the Obama campaign’s official blogger, Sam Graham-Felsen, has spent time in France participating in labor riots, has written for a socialist magazine, hung a communist flag in his home, and was a fan of Marx while at Harvard.
Is this a case of the media not vetting another Obama associate? Why have we not heard of this man before and why is the media silent on him? After the stories of John Edwards’ anti-Catholic bloggers, you’d think that the media would have been on the lookout for campaign blogger related stories. Yet, this guy and his questionable past has been ignored by the same media that tried to give Edwards’ bloggers a pass.
A fellow that blogs at a site called “Common Ills” did a lot of leg work to dig up some of the publicly known utterings of Mr. Graham-Felsen prior to his elevation as the Obama campaign’s official blogger, so he deserves the credit for raising a “red” flag on this one.
What we know for sure is that in May of 2006, Sam Graham-Felsen wrote a short piece in the socialist magazine Socialist Viewpoint describing his participation in some French labor riots.
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