Rep. Boehner Demands Voting Laws be Followed in Ohio

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Minority Leader of the House of Representatives is also a Representative from Ohio’s 8th District. Rep. John Boehner is just as incensed as any true American should be about the obvious and rampant fraud in Ohio fostered… or at least being ignored… by the Democrat Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner.

Boehner has been at the forefront in spotlighting this fraud and has been insistent that something be done about it. His office has issued this latest statement in pursuit of free, fair and legal elections.

Boehner Statement on the Justice Department’s Refusal to Enforce Federal Voting Laws, Require Ohio Secretary of State Brunner to Preserve Integrity of Ohio’s Vote on Tuesday
Continue reading “Rep. Boehner Demands Voting Laws be Followed in Ohio”

Grandmother With Alzheimer’s Suddenly Registers to Vote in Ohio

-By Warner Todd Huston

Vote fraud in Ohio is running rampant. Now it appears that folks living in nursing homes are being registered as voters no matter in what medical state they exist. Chrystal Brown, granddaughter of an Alzheimer’s afflicted, 95-year-old woman, found out that her grandmother had registered to vote despite that she has never registered to vote since entering the nursing home in 2001.

Worse, records show she actually cast a ballot.

“I’m hot. I’m livid,” said granddaughter Chrystal Brown. “A month ago, she couldn’t tell you her name she was so bad, and, depending on what time of day it is, her name is the only thing she can tell you.”

Yet, here this poor woman is, registered to vote, with ballot cast, regardless of her mental state.

Continue reading “Grandmother With Alzheimer’s Suddenly Registers to Vote in Ohio”

New York Dem Fires Staffer For Ohio Vote Fraud Case

-By Warner Todd Huston

Amy Little has been registered as a Democrat and as a resident of New York State since 1991. Yet, for some reason, she suddenly turned up registered in Ohio to vote in the 2008 election.

Of course, she still doesn’t live in Ohio, yet she registered as “living” in a building in Columbus, Ohio that houses the headquarters of the leftist organization Vote Today Ohio.

Unfortunately for Miss Little, she is a staffer for Congressman John Hall (D-Dover Plains, NY) and her little attempt at Ohio vote fraud has gotten her fired from that position.

Continue reading “New York Dem Fires Staffer For Ohio Vote Fraud Case”

In Ohio, Now A Park Bench Qualifies as an Address for Voting

-By Warner Todd Huston

We can mark U.S. District Judge Edmund Sargus as a proponent of vote fraud in Ohio thanks to his latest ruling to allow incorrectly completed provisional ballots to be counted anyway… oh, and a park bench now qualifies as an address for voter registration.

A federal judge in Ohio has ruled that counties must allow homeless voters to list park benches and other locations that aren’t buildings as their addresses.

Sargus, a heavy contributor to the Democratic Party and a Clinton appointee was also apparently the first Federal judge in history to ever favor the Socialist Party USA in a ballot access case.

So, our electoral system is in the hands of a Democrat hack with sympathies for the Socialist Party? No wonder he likes Obama!

Continue reading “In Ohio, Now A Park Bench Qualifies as an Address for Voting”

Ohio Vote Fraud: Obama Lawyer Threatening Bloggers

-By Warner Todd Huston

Greta Van Susteren had an interesting one the other day. Student journalists Tiffany Wilson and Shelby Holliday have been following and ably reporting on Ohio vote fraud issues for the student journalist site (See their latest report)

The pair’s hottest story is the tale about a house full of out-of-state “voters” that have illegally registered to vote in Ohio. By their reporting, Wilson and Holliday have forced the Ohio Sec. of State to investigate and invalidate these fraudulent registrations.

Well, it seems that a lawyer with the Obama team has sent the girls a threatening letter warning them in ominous overtones that he’ll be watching them and that they better “watch what they say.”

Continue reading “Ohio Vote Fraud: Obama Lawyer Threatening Bloggers”

Ohio A Hotbed of Vote Fraud in 2008

-By Warner Todd Huston

The Cleveland Plain Dealer is touting triumphantly that Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner is predicting an 80% voter turnout in the 2008 election. This would be an amazing statistic if true.

“Every day people from across Ohio are expressing their confidence in our bipartisan election system by taking part in the absentee voting process,” Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner said in a statement. “We will continue to prepare for anticipated 80 percent voter turnout, ensuring a successful November general election.”

Cuyahoga County led in the request of absentee ballots by mail, with more than 228,000 followed by Franklin with just over 208,000 requests. Brunner has predicted nearly 6.5 million Ohioans – about 80 percent of the state’s registered voters – will vote in this year’s presidential election and that one-third of those ballots could be absentee.

There is no doubt that Cuyahoga County is “leading” in this year’s vote situation. But, unfortunately, that “leading” seems to be in fraud, not legal, proper votes.

According to a graph from the Columbus Dispatch, Cuyahoga County has just over one million registered voters (1,096,449). The number just in January stood at 973,831, so Cuyahoga County saw a 13% increase in registrations in the last 10 months. Brunner noted that 228,000 absentee ballots were mailed out to registered voters in Cuyahoga County. Another 6,951 already voted early as of Oct 8.

Looks like the democratic spirit has hit Cuyahoga hard, eh? Isn’t it wonderful to see all these patriotic folks registering and voting, doing their civic duty?

Well, it would be if only all the numbers matched. According to the U.S. Census Bureau there are only 1,314,241 people in all of Cuyahoga County of which 24% is under 18 and ineligible to vote. Yet they are showing a registration of 1,096,449 million voters? It turns out there are more voters registered in Cuyahoga County than actually exist.

Continue reading “Ohio A Hotbed of Vote Fraud in 2008”

Ohioans Against Vote Fraud

Welcome to the Voter Integrity Project’s Operation Stop Ohio Vote Fraud

We all know of the massive fraud that certain groups are perpetrating during this election cycle. There is great concern this year over the many millions of fake voter registrations being foisted upon Secretary of State offices nation wide by groups such as ACORN and sponsored by the Democrats. It’s obvious they are trying to steal this election.

To shine the light of truth on these illegal efforts the Voter Integrity Project was launched in October of this year. Our goal is to seek out and highlight voter fraud throughout the country in a concerted effort to defeat fraud and abuse.

Along with the Voter Fraud Squad and the Wiki site, we hope this project makes a difference.

Operation Stop Ohio Vote Fraud is a collective community of Ohio bloggers gathered together to halt these practices that threaten to destroy our American system.

If YOU are an Ohio blogger that would like to help, register here, leave a comment that you’d like to join, and then I’ll set you up as a writer on this site.


Weapons of Mass Discussion  
Matt Hurley  
Tom Blumer

Publius’ Forum  
Warner Todd Huston

Thurber’s Thoughts  
Maggie Thurber

The Buckeye Institute  
Matthew Naugle

Return of the Conservatives  
Darth Dilbert

Swamp Bubbles  
Chris Myers

Be sure and return to this spot over the next week and stay updated on all the voter fraud news from Ohio.

Our Stories Covered So Far (newest at the top of the list):