Maryland’s Chance to Elect Republicans is NOW!

-By James Simpson

Maryland has long been considered one of the bluest of blue states. But with anti-Democrat fever running red hot, that is rapidly changing. There are competitive races everywhere. Thirty-year incumbent House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is facing a stiff challenge from Republican Charles Lollar in Maryland’s 5th District. In Maryland’s 3rd, veteran Marine fighter pilot, Republican Jim Wilhelm, is challenging legacy Democratic Congressman John Sarbanes, son of longtime Senator Paul Sarbanes and former Republican Governor Bob Ehrlich is giving corrupt, pathologically dishonest Governor Martin O’Malley—the Boy Blunder—a run for his money.

But another race has flown completely under the radar up to now. Conservative businessman Frank Mirabile has mounted a powerful challenge to radical liberal 7th District incumbent, Elijah Cummings. Maryland’s 7th encompasses largely rural Howard County, part of suburban Baltimore County and western Baltimore City.

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Maryland’s Chance to Elect Republicans is NOW!”

A Candid Talk with Allen West

-By James Simpson

Freelance writing doesn’t pay much, but a compensating benefit is the opportunity one finds to meet and speak with really interesting people. Congressional candidate Lt. Col. Allen West (USA, Ret.) is one such person, and I interviewed him for this article recently.

Col. West is one of the most promising candidates on the GOP horizon for this election. He is a genuine conservative, unafraid to speak his mind and more importantly, take action to demonstrate his commitment.

His candidacy has gone national on the strength of his inspiring speeches like this one, this one, this great Tea Party speech here, or his challenge to Democrats here. But many forget, or are not aware of the controversy that first put him in the national spotlight.

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A Candid Talk with Allen West”

Rand Paul’s Inadvertent Warning to Tea Partiers and Conservatives

-By James Simpson

Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media and America’s Survival has a post at News With Views about Rand Paul’s now infamous gaffes on the Rachel Maddow Show. In it he warns that some of Rand’s libertarian views could put him at odds with conservatives on a variety of issues and open him to criticism from all sides.

According to Kincaid, “The libertarian movement was the product of seminars held by the far-left Institute for Policy Studies back in the 1960s and 70s.” And while libertarians are good on fiscal matters, because they believe in limited government, their isolationist positions on national defense, if adopted, would provide opportunities for our enemies to flourish and grow in the vacuum created by our absence.
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Rand Paul’s Inadvertent Warning to Tea Partiers and Conservatives”