A New Declaration of Independence for a New Revolution

-By Warner Todd Huston

America is fast coming to a crossroads from which there will be no return if we take the wrong path. Do we take the road that leads away from America and toward a Euro-esque way of governing? Do we cast aside our American character and bury our great nation in a grave of socialist-styled authority? Do we damn our progeny to a failed superstate that violate every tenet of our original ideals?

I say we do not. I say we reject the Democrat’s Euro-esque ideas and refocus ourselves on American exceptionalism. Our federal system has strayed far from our founding ideals and we may soon find that its time for a new Declaration of Independence from a tyrannical government that has usurped power from proper authority.

Since it was just Independence Day over weekend (and I waited until it was over on purpose so as not to obviate from that celebration), I offer this new Declaration as a rallying cry to all those willing to return to our true American character…
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A New Declaration of Independence for a New Revolution”

Happy Independence Day, 2011

Click Here >>236 Independence Days and Counting, But What Does it all Mean?, is my 2012 Independence Day post. Thanks for stopping by.

We are taking this grand holiday off from blogging to celebrate the birth of our wonderful country and the freedoms from which we’ve all benefited. And around here it’s Independence Day NOT “July 4th.” We don’t celebrate a number we celebrate an event, one of the most glorious events in human history: the birth of our nation.

Have a wonderful holiday, thanks for being a loyal Publius Forum reader and God Bless America.

The Publius management

Happy Independence Day, 2010

We are taking this grand holiday off from blogging to celebrate the birth of our wonderful country and the freedoms it fosters. And around here it’s Independence Day NOT “July 4th.” We don’t celebrate a number we celebrate an event.

Have a wonderful holiday, thanks for being a loyal Publius Forum reader and God Bless America.

The Publius management