New ACU Chief Al Cardenas Puts Ron Paul on Notice

-By Warner Todd Huston

The American Conservative Union (ACU) is the entity that runs the biggest annual conservative event, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Next year CPAC will be headed by a new face, Al Cardenas. Now former Chairman David Keene turns over the reigns to Cardenas after the 2011 CPAC event.

Cardenas has a compelling story, indeed. He was born in Havana, Cuba in 1948 and came to America in 1960 when his parents fled Castro’s communist takeover. Cardenas has been heavily involved in the Florida State GOP and he worked for Ronald Reagan’s campaigns in Florida starting in 1975.

I had an opportunity to interview Mr. Cardenas about his new role with the ACU and this naturally led to questions of the current controversies going on at CPAC. I focused on the Ron Paul fans that caused so much ruckus this year and Cardenas seemed to put the Paulites on notice that they may not be invited again.

At about 5 minutes into our interview I asked Cardenas about the disruptions that occurred specifically during the appearances of Vice President Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. Cardenas replied that, “those who decide to consciously breach [civility] maybe shouldn’t be part of CPAC and we’ll keep that in mind for the future.”

It sure seems as if Cardenas just put the Paulites on notice that they may not be invited next year.

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New ACU Chief Al Cardenas Puts Ron Paul on Notice”

CPAC 2011: Some Random Photos

-By Warner Todd Huston

[Note: I apologize for not posting the last few days. When I got back from Washington I was struck with the worst sickness I’ve ever had. Don’t know if it is developing into strep throat or pneumonia, but it’s hit me hard. I slept 1 hours last night! Haven’t done that since I was a kid. Coughing so hard I pulled a muscle under my ribs.]

I have a few photos of some of the notables I encountered at CPAC still sitting around, so this post is as good as any to get them posted, I suppose.

I know you’ll be shocked, but some of these photos have me in them, too! I can be such a fanboy sometimes. But there is a method to my madness. Years ago when I first started this blogging thing I wrote about meeting a big name politician (at this point I can no longer remember who it was) and I wrote a post about the interview. I immediately had some mope reply in the comments section that I never met the pol and was just making the story up.

So now, if it is possible, I take photos of me and which ever pol I meet to prove to the skeptical Internet tubules that I really was there!

… well, that’s as good a story as any, isn’t it?

Former Virginia Governor and Senator George Allen

Iowa Congressman Steve King

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CPAC 2011: Some Random Photos”

CPAC 2011: Ron Paul’s Last Straw With YAF (Time for Paulies to Grow Up)

-By Warner Todd Huston

Ron Paul may have won the CPAC straw poll but he’s lost Young Americans for Freedom, a conservative, college Republican-style organization to which he used to belong. Just as the results of the straw poll were revealed YAF announced they were kicking Paul out of the organization.

This is a pretty big deal, too. If you aren’t aware, Paul served on YAF’s board of advisors for more than two decades, he’s commented positively about YAF on the floor of the House in the past, and was once awarded the Guardian of Freedom award, YAF’s top honor.

This break is a hard one, indeed, and it’s mostly over Paul’s simple-minded foreign policy ideas.
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CPAC 2011: Ron Paul’s Last Straw With YAF (Time for Paulies to Grow Up)”

CPAC 2011: Ron Paul Wins CPAC Poll Again, Beats Romney by 7 Percent

-By Warner Todd Huston

Once again Congressman Ron Paul of Texas has won the CPAC straw poll. Paul took 30 percent of those polled this year. Former Governor Mitt Romney took second place with 23 percent of the vote.

Naturally when Paul’s name came out on top the Paulies erupted in glee.

To see a bigger shot of the results on the jumbo screen, click on the images below.

First choice results

First choice results coupled with second choice

Full first choice poll results:

  • Congressman Ron Paul (Teas): 30%
  • Mitt Romney (Mass.): 23%
  • Former NM Gov. Gary Johnson: 6%
  • NJ Gov. Chris Christie: 6%
  • Newt Gingrich: 5%
  • Former Minn. Gov. Tim Pawlenty: 4%
  • Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann: 4%
  • Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels: 4%
  • Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin: 3%
  • Businessman Herman Cain: 2%
  • Former Ark. Gov. Mike Huckabee: 2%
  • Former Penn. Senator Rick Santorum: 2%
  • So. Dakota Senator John Thune: 2%
  • Fomer Utah Gov. John Hunstman: 1%
  • Miss. Governor Haley Barbour: 1%
  • Other: 5%
  • Undecided: 1%

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CPAC 2011: Ron Paul Wins CPAC Poll Again, Beats Romney by 7 Percent”

‘Sarah’ Comes to CPAC 2011… OK, Not Really

-By Warner Todd Huston

A Sarah Palin impersonator also hit the floor at CPAC 2011. She had the style and did a great vocal impersonation, but her facial features are just a little off. Still “Sarah Palin” appeared at CPAC and fooled a few bloggers and fans in the process.

Obviously a stunt. Thanks to Uncoverage we find that this was just a woman looking to drum up some business for her impersonator business.
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‘Sarah’ Comes to CPAC 2011… OK, Not Really”

VIDEO Interview: Remember Dale Peterson Who Said His Opponents ‘Don’t Give a Rip About Alabama’?

-By Warner Todd Huston

During the early days of the 2010 primary season you all might recall the campaign commercial of that cowboy hat wearing, horse ridding, straight shooter from Alabama who was looking to take the nomination for Alabama’s Agricultural Commissioner? You might recall that Ag Commish candidate Dale Peterson looked straight into the camera and told us all that his opponents “don’t give a rip about Alabama!” You also might remember that his TV spot went viral on the Internet and he became the new favorite of straight shooters everywhere.

Well, I ran into Dale at CPAC and was graced with the opportunity to put a camera before the great Mr. Peterson and to let him give us all what for!
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VIDEO Interview: Remember Dale Peterson Who Said His Opponents ‘Don’t Give a Rip About Alabama’?”

CPAC 2011 Photos — Cheney and Rumsfeld NOT Badly Treated

-By Warner Todd Huston

Note: Check in on my Twitter feed throughout the weekend as I live Tweet from CPAC. I’ll be Tweeting some of the speeches and the goons on here.

The first day at CPAC was quite interesting. I met Donald Rumsfeld, actress and comedienne Victoria Jackson, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, and several others.

One thing about yesterday that is being incorrectly reported is the reception that Donald Rumsfeld and former Vice President Dick Cheney received. Many reports are claiming that when Cheney mounted the stage to introduce Rummy he was booed by an almost equal number of attendees that clapped and cheered for him. This is incorrect. There were but a small smattering of boos and catcalls for Cheney. 90 percent of the crowd loved seeing him there.
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CPAC 2011 Photos — Cheney and Rumsfeld NOT Badly Treated”

VIDEO: Donald Trump Was Huuuuge at CPAC 2011

-By Warner Todd Huston

Donald Trump appeared at CPAC 2011 for its opening day and told the crowd in his inimitably no-nonsense style why he would be a better president than Barack Obama… or any of the current crop of GOP candidates. He said he is not yet announcing, but he is seriously considering it.

The Ron Paulites seemed to disagree, however, that Trump would be better than any other possible candidate for president. And Trump’s reply: “You know Ron Paul can’t win, right?” This sent the Paulites in paroxysms of pain, hooting and hollering to beat the band.

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VIDEO: Donald Trump Was Huuuuge at CPAC 2011″

Warner Todd Huston at CPAC 2011

-By Warner Todd Huston

Main stage at CPAC

I have just arrived at the 2011 CPAC event. Not sure what I am going to attend or who I might see, yet, but just thought I’d post a note that I am here.

I want to thank and for sponsoring me at this year’s big bash.

More later…
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Warner Todd Huston at CPAC 2011″