-By Warner Todd Huston
**Video Below the Fold**
On ABC’s “The View” on September 12, Whoopi Goldberg asked Senator John McCain if she should worry about being made a slave again once he becomes president. Newsflash, Whoopi: There was this little fracas we call the Civil War where six hundred thousand Americans died and that resulted in the elimination of slavery from existence. Oh, and Whoopi, it happened nearly 150 years ago! Just trying to help you with that whole “history” thing, Whoopster.
Apparently, Whoopi is unaware that slavery was removed from the Constitution, because during a discussion about the Law of the Land on the TV talk show, Whoopi wondered if she should “worry” about being cast into chattel slavery should John McCain get in office and institute his desires that strict construction of the Constitution be observed by his judicial picks.
The subject of how McCain would handle the Roe v Wade abortion situation is what prompted Whoopi to blurt out her uninformed view of the Constitution.
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