American Majority Activist/Candidate Training

-By Warner Todd Huston

I just got back from sitting on the new media discussion panel at the American Majority Candidate Training session held in Palatine, Illinois, a northern suburb of Chicago.

On the panel we discussed things such as how candidates should approach the new and old media alike, how should candidates handle interviews, and should candidates stop issuing press releases (no, would be the answer to that last one, there).

On the panel with me was Keith Liscio, Fran Eaton of Illinois Review, and acting as emcee for the panel was Collin Colbert of Cor Strategies.

Left to Right: Warner Todd Huston, Kieth Liscio, Fran Eaton, and Collin Colbert

American Majority runs candidate and activist training sessions all across the United States and they really do a great job at it. If one is in your area, be sure and catch it.

Upcoming American Majority Activist Training Sessions:

The event was co-sponsored by the Illinois chapter of Americans for Prosperity.
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American Majority Activist/Candidate Training”

Building a Conservative Majority Starts at Home

-By Warner Todd Huston

If conservatives intend to translate Tea Party enthusiasm into actual power they are certainly going to have begin to put like-minded folks into office and not just at the federal level. Every office from dogcatcher, to city offices, to county and state offices needs to be filled with Tea Party advocates. Conservatives cannot expect an enduring governing capability by focusing solely on federal elections.

To that end, this week American Majority ( unveiled a new initiative to help train Tea Party groups to groom local candidates in order to build a more enduring conservative governing majority across the country. The project is called the New Leaders Project.

AM hopes to help local Tea Party groups to identify 10 new leaders in their local community to run for state or local office. “The program will help community leaders identify quality candidates while fostering a new era of accountability between voters and elected officials,” said representatives for the group.
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Building a Conservative Majority Starts at Home”