Trump’s Accusers Are Liars

-By Gary Krasner

First, details surrounding some of their claims have been found to be false. (Lying requires that you to get all the small facts right.)

It’s also clearly orchestrated for political reasons:

First, you have NBC release the Billy Bush audio tapes of Trump bragging in locker room fashion –5 weeks before the election, for lasting effect and giving little time for damage control.

Then, armed with that pretext for “relevancy”, they followed it up with the accusers — women who have never been heard of before. Who have no witnesses, despite the allegations of assault taking place in public.

And they each coordinate with each other to make sure they come forward with press conferences on DIFFERENT days, in order to consume the news cycle and drown out Trump’s message of the day.

That’s key. If they all came forward together, that would consume just one day of news. Anyone familiar with the rolling thunder pattern of Democrat slim fabrications can see this as a coordinated political operation.

And any woman who lends herself to this operation has a credibility problem. They’re probably all Democrats or liberals.

By contrast, the accusers of Clinton came forward long ago, on their own, and their stories have been vetted long ago, and written about in many books, and meeting no defamation lawsuit from the Clintons.

NBC is keeping a very damning interview with Juanita Broaddrick under wraps, unlike what they did with the Billy Bush audio.

We knew the Clinton machine would have an October surprise. This was it. Why is anyone surprised?

Andrew Breitbart said that he became a Republican after seeing the defamation operation they ran on Clarence Thomas.

I became a Republican in part, because Bill Clinton would have gotten away with a lie to a grand jury, and the American people, had his semen not been found on a dress.

Anyone old enough to remember how the Democrat slim machine operates needs no more evidence than a good memory.

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