-By Gary Krasner
Trump misses many opportunities. I wrote about that theme a year ago, and I’m still writing about it.
As Barry Farber used to say, you most decisively destroy an enemy when you destroy it’s aircraft before it gets off the ground.
What does that mean? It means that you PREVENT an enemy’s asset from doing damage to you. You do not wait for the threat to become activated.
When you don’t wait to react to something, it’s called “preemption.” Trump merely reacted, without substance, with a mundane tweet about Hillary’s cliches.
Trump failed to prevent what Rush Limbaugh said in his opening sentence today: “Everybody knew it was coming.”
I’ll give you an example. Chelsea Clinton introduced her mom at the convention Thursday. It was a well delivered speech, and as Rush said, we knew what she would say.
Whatever she was going to say, the best way to derail it would have been to ask Chelsea questions BEFORE she delivers the speech. WHY?
Because then the media and public will be focussed on those questions! The buzz will be, “will she address it?” What if she fails to address it?
If Chelsea failed to address a legitimate question in her speech, when the media focus is on her, then the conclusion will be that the allegation has merit.
EXAMPLE: Trump should have issued this press release one day before Chelsea spoke at the convention:
Chelsea Clinton was hired as an NBC News “special correspondent” with a 3-year contract at an annual salary of $600,000. This was in November 2011, when she was 31, and one year after she earned just a Master’s degree, which was not in journalism. That’s six times what a starting salary is for a journalism major. In her 3-year tenure at NBC, Chelsea worked on just 14 stories. That comes to well-over $128,000 per news story. According to Business Insider, Chelsea earned about $26,724 for each minute she appeared on air.
Chelsea also receives $300,000 a year as a board member for Barry Diller’s IAC/InteractiveCorp. The board position also pays an annual retainer of $50,000 and a $250,000 grant of restricted stock. With just a Master’s Degree, Columbia University paid her a professor’s salary to teach graduate level classes. She holds another academic post as assistant vice provost for the Global Network University at New York University.
After college, Chelsea also worked on Wall Street at McKinsey & Co. and a hedge fund. Her husband, Marc Mezvinsky also works on Wall Street as an investment banker at Goldman Sachs and at the New York hedge fund company, 3G Capital. Each of them are worth about $15 million, and purchased a $10.5 million apartment overlooking Madison Square Park.
Finally, Chelsea gets as much as $75,000 per speech at colleges and academic groups. Like her parents, she talks for about 10 to 15 minutes then takes questions for 30 minutes. She claims to have donated some of it to her family’s piggy bank and money laundering operation, The Clinton Foundation.
But to be fair, she’s small time. Her parents earned more than $153 million in paid speeches from 2001 to May 2015, from a total of 729 speeches. That’s an average payday of $210,795 (but as high as $700,000) for each address.
That income is not all from Bill’s speeches. Hillary took in at least $1.8 million for at least 8 speeches to big banks such as Goldman Sachs and UBS. In 2013 alone, from 41 speeches, Hillary received $9,680,000, charging $300,000 to speak at UCLA and $225,000 to speak at a college in Las Vegas.
Ladies and gentlemen, There are 2 important reasons I mention these facts:
FIRST, it is not to condemn free market capitalism. Everyone has the right to get what they can get. But not at the expense of the public. I provide products and services as a business man. I do not and would not sell access and influence as a government official. Bill and Hillary have. And they enriched themselves and their lovely daughter by doing so.
If you don’t believe that, then you must believe that every dollar Chelsea received was earned solely on the merits of her own talent and accomplishments. That every dollar the family received was not in the expectation of receiving something in return from a President Hillary Clinton. Even if it’s just access.
As a businessman, to stay competitive, and accountable to stockholders, I was forced to purchase influence from the Clintons. In this terrible crony capitalist system, every business that gave money to the Clintons or their daughter, or their supposed charity (for which only 10 percent goes to the people in need) did so to buy influence or access, or to avoid government disfavor.
The only exception might be colleges, whose liberal administrators were donating to Hillary For President by way of her speaking fees. Let’s face it, there was nothing that Hillary could have said in that 10 minute speech for UCLA to have paid $300,000 for! But they did pay it anyway. Influence peddling is the selling of one’s public service, at the public’s expense, for personal gain. The Clinton’s are masters at it.
SECOND, I think raising these issues are relevant, because it shows Hillary to be a liar and hypocrite.
We cannot go one day without listening to Hillary lecture Americans about the evils of “white privilege.” Was that how Chelsea became a multimillionaire and was hired to all those plum positions when she was barely out of he 20s and college?
The Clintons also lecture hard working Americans about alleged “income inequality” and “greed”. Yet if one were to look up “greed” on the internet, the first entries would list the Clintons and their shame charity. It was established as a fraudulent altruistic pretext for self-enrichment, with 90 percent of donations ending up in their pockets.
From their first White House scandal (Travelgate) to their last (the pilfering of White House furniture), The Clintons have raised personal greed to a high art. My personal greed, like that of all businesspeople’s, CREATES wealth, that yields jobs and profits that goes to build roads and hire cops. All through the voluntary purchase of our goods or services. The greed of the Clintons TAKES wealth from taxpayers and businesses, with the promise of future government favors, or the promise that government won’t hardship them or their business or industry.
When I was growing up in Queens, we used to call that behavior larceny and extortion. The Clintons are just another organized crime family. But with the talent and connections to stay out of jail.
Well, no communication of that sort would come from Trump. He doesn’t understand the strategy, or have the people able to write it.
We’re about to have a female president who touted love and togetherness, as a contrast to what was portrayed by MSM as Trump’s fear and hate campaign.
Another female who’s a national leader–Angela Merkel of Germany–touts the same kind of love of Muslim immigrants en masse. As a result, there’s a Muslim terrorist incident in German every 81 hours.
And because of Trump’s incompetence in politics, we may end up as Germany.