Mitt Romney on Amnesty: Once a Liar…

-By Warner Todd Huston

Last night’s debate gave us all a perfect example of why Mitt Romney is the single worst candidate the Republican Party could put up for consideration. The incident arose when Newt Gingrich brought up his point that we simply cannot deport millions of illegals back to Mexico. Romney leapt to demagogy on the issue and pretended he was against amnesty. Well, at least he’s against it this year.

Romney puffed himself up and slammed Newt for offering amnesty to those that broke our laws to get here. “Look, amnesty is a magnet,” Romney retorted to Newt’s discussion of the immigration problem. The former liberal Massachusetts Governor then stood firm that amnesty is a bad idea.

So, last night Mitt was against giving illegals the right to citizenship, he said they shouldn’t be allowed to “jump to the head of the line” just because they were already here in contravention to our immigration laws. But that was last night. Once again we see a past Mitt Romney singing a different tune…

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