VIDEO: Roskam Discusses Obama Jobs Proposal on CNBC

From the office of Rep. Peter Roskam (Ill 6th District)…

Roskam: “… the President created an urgency in his speech saying ‘pass this now,’ but it’s important to recognize that the White House can change the dynamic on regulations immediately.”

Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL), Chief Deputy Whip, appeared on CNBC’s Kudlow Report last evening to discuss the President’s new spending proposal.

On Reducing Regulations Now to Help the Economy:

“… the President created an urgency in his speech saying ‘pass this now,’ but it’s important to recognize that the White House can change the dynamic on regulations immediately.”

On the Obama “Jobs Act”:

“When the President proposes that we increase spending in a fashion that I would argue isn’t necessarily responsible or that we move to raise taxes over $400 billion in a ten-year cycle, there’s just no common ground there. Ultimately the President created an urgency in his speech saying ‘pass this now,’ but it’s important to recognize that the White House can change the dynamic on regulations immediately.”

On Areas of Agreement:

“The common ground right now [with the White House] is the free trade agreements and we’re waiting for President Obama to send up Korea, Panama, and Colombia. Let’s move them and let’s open those markets up. That’s an area where we wholeheartedly agree with President Obama. Let’s move forward.”

On How Repatriation Will Make America More Competitive:

“We have heard time and again from job creators to your point that if you create that environment where companies can bring their money back and they’re not penalized as a result, they’re going to be building research and development facilities in the United States as opposed to being penalized and saying, ‘as we accumulate these profits, we’re going to keep them offshore.’ So repatriation is a real opportunity to frame the debate and particularly as the U.S. is taking on this whole idea of trying to ultimately lower the corporate tax rate to make us one of the more competitive tax environments in the world. It’s all about competitiveness right now.”

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