-By Rev Michael Bresciani
The New York Senate passed the bill in a vote of 33 to 29, allowing gays to marry only a week after the N.Y. Assembly gave the bill the green light. Has history been made or has it been assaulted?
Many would say that not since the infamous Black Horse Calvary scandal in New York at the beginning of the twentieth century has the state fallen to such a low.
Celebrities and Hollywood fluffers are delighted; their titillation is reflected in exclamations made by Ellen DeGeneres who said, “I’m thrilled about the news from NY. Marriage equality! Every day we get a little closer. What an amazing feeling.” Rosie O’Donnell said, “Happy gays r here again.” Neil Patrick Harris called it real progress and history making. These and more exuberant exclamations picked up from blogs and tweets filled the pages of the Seattle PI and many other publications across the nation.
DeGeneres may be correct in saying “Every day we get a little closer” even if she has no idea what we are getting closer to. With Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, D.C. and now New York onboard with gay marriage we are getting closer to bringing the nation to a state of reprobation.
The children of Belial could not be expected to understand it but the hour is late and never has there been a time in our history when the following has been truer of America. “Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.” (Ec 8: 11) If clamoring for gay rights and gay marriage is pushing the envelope then more laws to dignify such perversion can only be just more to push us over the top in God’s patience.
Likewise, it is not known, that while the world at large generally ignores God’s word it is also true that God’s word does not, nor ever will, ignore the world. The creation, the purpose, the history and the final outcome of this world will all be guided, weighed and brought into the refined scrutiny of the living God regardless of our unbelief, disdain or aloofness with regard to that claim.
No one says it better than the ancient prophet Micah. He was a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah and gave his message to Israel and Judah for a period of about fifty years. Although he like Isaiah saw the coming captivity that Israel would undergo after Babylon conquered them, those events were over 125 years into the future and no one paid much attention to either prophet on that matter. Micah saw the Assyrian captivity of Israel and that was only ten years away from his prophecies.
The results of our choices in America are closer than Micah’s prophecies by far. But the result will be just about the same. We too will be led away captive but not to a foreign place but rather to a foreign tyranny and a ruthless ruler the scriptures refer to as the antichrist.
Micah’s message to Israel can be replayed to America and it would fit to a tee. He said “Prophesy ye not, say they to them that prophesy: they shall not prophesy to them, that they shall not take shame.” (Micah 2: 6) The phrase ‘that they shall not take shame’ is more accurately translated in both the Amplified Bible and the New International Version as “Disgrace will not overtake us.”
The Israelites knew God had strictly forbidden homosexuality so the idea of trying to sanctify what God called an ‘abomination’ with marriage would be doubly offensive. Today we flaunt it among our notables as a perfectly normal bit of nascent social ethics. In fact we are very close to tempting God with our worst behavior and defying him to enter into judgment with us. This is dangerous territory.
Those who don’t take God’s word seriously cannot see the pattern in which God invariably moves, at the same time it is easy to identify the pattern that the scoffers are taking. Little wonder the writer of John’s gospel said “And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.” (Jn 1: 5) Both the lords and the minions of the darkness have always been dumb to what issues from the light.
The condensed version of the pattern God uses is this; A call to repentance, a graduating scale of calamities, natural disasters and disruption of nature, a collapse of the powers and the economy of a nation. Need I remind anyone that America is already in stage three of this pattern? After this it gets far more serious, what exactly does that mean? My answer is both; you don’t really want to know and stay tuned there is more to come.
I have been warning that we are heading to a disastrous economic collapse longer than it took for the housing market to balloon and burst. I have added to those predictions the rise in natural disasters and calamities but I cannot describe what may be next.
I don’t need science to confirm my predictions and I hardly need the apostate churches whose creeds and conduct are in serious contradiction, to verify for me. Suffice it to say that in my own calling not one revelation in some forty years has ever come up wrong. In real prophecy there is nothing to prove. Being right is not the purpose of prophets but reaching others before they go wrong has always been the urgent and most pressing purpose in any prophetic calling.
For those with a modicum of moral fiber left to them; the sense of shame and disgrace has already begun. Yes, if we do not turn away from these openly sinful social trends that fly in God’s face, disgrace will surely overtake us.
Rev. Michael Bresciani is the chief steward of http://www.americanprophet.org. The website has since 2005 featured the articles of columnist Rev Michael Bresciani along with news and reviews that have earned this site the title of The Website for Insight Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe.