Village of Palatine More Than Doubles $100,000+ Employee Club

From the Palatine Tea Party…

(Palatine, Illinois) – The Village of Palatine more than doubles the number of Village employees making over six figures from 2009 to 2010. In 2009, using the Medicare wages and tips off the Village of Palatine employee W2’s 43 of 423 employees made $100,000+. In 2010, 88 of 418 employees are making $100,000+ for 2010.

For those 88 employees making $100,000+ for 2010 their average increase was 14.85%. Based on the economic conditions these increases appear questionable. These 88 employees have an average of 17 years of service with the Village of Palatine.

To see the 88 individual salaries and their departments, click here.

The Palatine taxpayer should be outraged. If you are concerned with this type of management now is the time to contact the entire Palatine Village Council, click here and attend an upcoming Village Board meetings to express your concerns.

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