Take Action: No Tax Increase in Springfield

From Americans for Prosperity Illinois…

To contact your lawmaker today and ask him/her to vote “NO” on tax increases during the lame duck session in Illinois click here: http://www.capwiz.com/americansforprosperity/issues/alert/?alertid=21319501&type=ST

It’s no secret that the state of Illinois is in a fiscal crisis. It’s taken about ten years of pay-to play politics, sweetheart deals, poor public policy decisions, and the complete mismanagement of state funds to get us to this point.

Illinois’ budget deficit is approximately $14 billion, the state’s pension and retiree health care debt is approximately $130 billion, unfunded Medicaid liability has doubled since 2007 and Illinois’ unemployment rate has hovered around 10% for the last two years. Yet, state government continues to spend more than it takes in (an average of $3 for every $2 it receives from our tax dollars).

This week (January 4-11, 2011), the Illinois General Assembly is convening for a lame duck session. There are several scenarios being discussed behind closed doors on whether lawmakers will be asked to vote on revenue enhancements (I.E. tax increases) during the lame duck session.

We certainly won’t be given advanced noticed as to how or if this is going to occur. What we do know is that as a matter of principle, it would be a slap in the face to voters if lawmakers were to approve a tax increase or complicated reform packages during an 8 day lame duck session. Especially, when so many lawmakers are on their way out of office and won’t be held accountable to voters for their votes.

To contact your lawmaker and ask him/her to vote “NO” on tax increases during the lame duck session click here: http://www.capwiz.com/americansforprosperity/issues/alert/?alertid=21319501&type=ST

Joe Calomino
State Director
Americans for Prosperity – Illinois

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