Study: Justice Kilbride Sides With Criminals, Against Victims and Police, 91% of the Time

From Justpac, the political action committee of the Ill. Civil Justice League…

Also Called for Retrial of Joliet Serial Killer and Rapist

JOLIET, IL — Illinois Supreme Court Justice Thomas Kilbride has sided with criminals, and against victims and law enforcement, in 91% of criminal law cases analyzed in a new study released today.

The Criminal Law Edition of The Economic Judicial Report was released by three prominent former Will County law enforcement professionals, who held a press conference at the former site of the Joliet ceramic shop in which serial rapist and murderer Milton Johnson massacred four women in 1983. Justice Kilbride previously called for the retrial of Johnson as part of his view that all 25 Death Row inmates should receive a “blanket” retrial.

“Justice Kilbride’s extreme record and radical views put our communities at risk,” said former State Senator and retired Will County Circuit Judge Edward Petka, who served as Will County State’s Attorney at the time of Milton Johnson’s arrest and prosecution.

“As this study shows, Justice Kilbride’s record is bad enough,” said Petka. “But for him to call for Milton Johnson’s retrial is an insult to the victims’ families, the law enforcement professionals who put him behind bars, the prosecutors who convicted him, and our local community — which is safer without Johnson on the streets.”

Petka was joined by former Will County State’s Attorney Jeffrey Tomczak and retired Will County Chief Judge and former State’s Attorney Edward Masters in releasing the report, which focuses on appeals of criminal convictions to the state’s Supreme Court. The study included cases in which there was a difference of opinion on the Supreme Court regarding the conviction, sentencing, or some other point of law affecting law enforcement and public safety.

Justice Kilbride sided with victims and law enforcement in only 9% of cases analyzed over a period of ten years.

“Justice Kilbride’s call for a ‘blanket’ retrial of all Death Row criminals was rejected by the majority of the court because they knew this liberal ruling could result in a chance for the worst of the worst murderers to go free,” said Tomczak. “As a former prosecutor, I can say without a doubt that Justice Kilbride makes our streets, our families and our children less safe.”

“I think it’s important that voters look past Thomas Kilbride’s political ads and examine his actual record closely,” said Masters. “What they will find is a liberal extremist who is openly hostile to law enforcement.”

The report was compiled by Sequoyah Information Systems, Ltd., and commissioned by JUSTPAC, the political action committee of the Illinois Civil Justice League. For the full report, please visit:

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