Last Minute Anti-Gun Bills In Springfield

From the NRA-ILA

While the Illinois General Assembly tries to complete its business this week, anti-gun extremists are putting on a desperate push to pass attacks on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

As mentioned last week, House Bill 5849 and House Bill 5480, both sponsored by State Representative Harry Osterman (D-14), are expected to be debated on the floor, along with the amendments previously discussed.

Another bill that is likely to be brought up is House Bill 5751, introduced by State Representative Edward Acevedo (D-2), which would ban countless semi-automatic handguns, rifles, and shotguns, many parts for the same, as well as .50 cal. rifles and ammunition.

Time is rapidly running out for this year’s legislative session, and anti-gun extremists will stop at nothing to try to force through any attack on the Second Amendment that they can! Please continue to contact your State Representative and urge him or her to oppose HB 5480, HB 5751, and HB 5849! Please click here for contact information for your representatives.

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