Obama Likes Euroweenies So Much He Even Dates Like One

-By Warner Todd Huston

On my Twitter feed, I spotted a post by Patrick Ruffini asking a pertinent question… “What’s up with Barack Obama writing out dates euro-style?”

Check out this photo as hosted on the White House website…

Notice that the president signed his name and then penned the date as “11 June 2009”? That is the European way to note dates, not the American way. In America we always put the month, then the day, then the year.

Obama hates America so much he can’t even stand to write dates like Americans do!

(EDIT: I am hearing from several folks that don’t get that I was just trying to rib CommieObamie with this one. I wasn’t being wholly serious. Apparently I wasn’t snarky enough for people to get that. Lighten up Francis!)

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