Dems’ Chicago Playbook Fail: Federal Court

-By Matthew J. O’Connor

Saying healthcare developments on the hill are anything less than fluid is a statement the deem and pass madame, Louise Slaughter (D., NY) herself would hardly make. However, this would be relying on pragmatic thought, on my part, and these days with the congressional democrats running the hill, pragmatism has been anathema to all things dems, including the political grand daddy of all, the Constitution.

So, on second thought, I’ll leave Rep. Slaughter out of the issue of fluidity, for now. But I will bring her back in on the subject of political strategy, in fact, lets also bring in Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as the two seem to share the same skills sets and a similarly high aptitude in the art and science of political deception.

There are many nuances in politics but when the strategy itself is purposefully moved from the nuance to that which has a big red bull’s eye on its back, it is easy to take the bait and start running in the direction chasing the bulls eye. I have fallen prey to such tactics and before long find myself chasing the allurement of the bulls eye, chasing after it with incredulity that the left could dare be so bold . . . but then it dawned on me.

After several of these chases, I began to realize I was the one being chased away from the real issue and the dems’ had me right where they wanted me, a veritable Don Quixote among my conservative brethren chasing after the sleight of hand illusions crafted at the hands of the masterful democrat party short-listers and elders in name, Speaker Pelosi and Rep. Louise Slaughter – the two elder political strategy & stagecraft masters extraordinaire.

Not to say the GOP isn’t capable of such complicated trickery, it’s just that the GOP has not taken their game from analog to digital on account they are still working in the art form of deception by nuance versus the upgraded digital model of full-blown stagecraft in the form of the big red bulls eye, Chicago style. But in reality, the reason the GOP hasn’t upgraded their political strategy model is on account the upgraded model doesn’t have room for the Constitution nor scruples and this is a deal breaker for the GOP.

OK, here is where I transition in pulling all of the above abstraction together: The dems in the current healthcare matter have been bold in their statements, positions and in the midst of their heavy-handedness and blatant hypocrisy, they never deviate from the playbook in moving their agenda forward never to engage in serious discussion nor compromise.

Discussion and compromise are rejected by the dems as it shows weakness and is hard to do when every page in the dems’ playbook is embossed with the seal, Made in Chicago. The Made in Chicago style is forceful, fearless, uncompromising, unscrupulous and above all, indignant to any and all forms of criticism.

The dems have masterfully played their strategy utilizing the above Made in Chicago playbook tactics – for who would have expected some 14 months into the Obama administration Obamacare would have wound its way through the house and senate possibly to be advanced to the President’s desk within days.

While we have been chasing the big red bulls eye of the “Slaughter Solution,” the house speaker and the dems have controlled the chase, during which time they have set-up their 216 vote count through the sleight of hand in threatening the “Slaughter Solution” and now using it as leverage by swearing it off. And those of us having chased after the threat of the “Slaughter Solution” i.e. the big red bulls eye, are gasping to catch our breath . . . while the dems in charge are sipping their diet coke, ready to play the 216 trump card Sunday.

The dems are very clever but clever has its limitations once inside a Federal Court House . . . and that is where the hand to hand combat without the stagecraft will take place as everything will be about the process, an ugly and disgusting process 14 months on record owned by the dems . . . against a Constitution . . . on record for some 221 years.

Matthew J. O’Connor is the founder of Clarion Advisory, LLC , a politically conservative media production company and currently serves as the executive editor of, a site featuring conservative political commentary and the continuous aggregation of national and international news covering politics and business.

Prior to forming Clarion Advisory, Matt worked within the commercial insurance industry, serving as a broker and vice president within a division of an international fortune 500 brokerage with offices based in Los Angeles, California.

Matt was born and raised in Minnesota and is a 1991 graduate of Saint John’s University. Matt currently resides in South Orange County, California with his wife Arlene, a clinical psychologist & consultant, and their three young children.

Matt’s passion is writing and publishing and advancing the conservative cause.

When not writing, Matt enjoys racing around after his children attending his sons’ baseball and soccer games and daughter’s dance and drama performances. And working on his hook in golf and newly re-discovered interest in downhill skiing.

Matt welcomes comments and can be reached at,

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