-By Don Boys, Ph.D.
Hey, it’s getting embarrassing! Another “missing link” is still missing after a few months exposure to science and common sense. I am referring to Ida, revealed last spring by Norwegian paleontologist Jorn Hurum and his colleagues who assured us Ida was “an unusually complete prehistoric primate fossil.” The dog and pony show that followed in May of 2009 on “ABC News,” “Good Morning America,” “Nightline,” “A & E,” “The New York Times,” etc., portrayed Ida “as a blockbuster discovery nothing short of an “eighth wonder of the world” that would offer a look at one of mankind’s earliest evolutionary ancestors. Afraid not.
We heard all that before with Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man, the famous horse series, peppered moths of England, Ernst Haeckel, etc. One tragic example of evolution’s embarrassing results is the silly, now totally discredited teaching of vestigial organs. It was commonly believed by non-thinking evolutionists and atheists that the tonsils, adenoids, appendix and about 200 other human organs were totally unnecessary. If they had declared “unknown” rather than unnecessary (there is a difference, you know) I would have agreed; however, now we know that all those organs are necessary, many having to do with the immune system. Moreover, uninformed doctors removed those organs in hundreds of thousands of children weakening their ability to fight disease. I deal with such embarrassing frauds in my book, Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith! available at www.cstnews.com .
After evolutionists admit they made fools of themselves by promoting cockamamie theories to shore up their religion of evolution, they should admit they cannot provide the answers to the beginning of life; the Cambrian explosion; design of the universe; the absence of transitional fossils; the anomalies in the geologic column; inaccuracies in radiometric dating; why evolution suddenly stopped; how males and females evolved at the same location and time in history; where the principles of the scientific laws came from and did they come before or after the “big bang”? Furthermore, what was the catalyst for the big bang? And where did the cosmic egg (that allegedly exploded) come from? Maybe the cosmic chicken laid it! For sure, evolutionists have laid many an egg! And rotten at that. However, they never learn.
Ida is only one of many embarrassments for fanatical evolutionists. A new report published March 5, 2010, by David Knowles in AOL News suggests the “47-million-year-old fossil” touted as “the missing link” between humans and early primates, appears to be an ancestor to lemurs (a creature in Madagascar with a long snout, large ears, and a long tail) according to Erik Seiffert, a fossil hunter at New York’s Stony Brook University.
Therefore, the “missing link” is still missing! Breaks my heart.
Scientist Blythe Williams and three colleagues, writing in a paper published last week in the Journal of Human Evolution, “found no evidence that Ida represents a missing link.” Of course, the media that promoted the Ida hype will not apologize for their eagerness to support evolution and kick creationists in the teeth.
Knowles quotes a Texas evolutionist as saying, “Many lines of evidence indicate that Darwinius [Ida] has nothing at all to do with human evolution,” said Chris Kirk, associate professor of anthropology at the University of Texas at Austin. When will evolutionists learn to stop jumping to conclusions and suppress their religious enthusiasm until they can really support their silly theory?
First of all, evolution is speculation, a guess, a hunch, a hypotheses, a postulant, an assumption, maybe even a theory, but only fools use the fossil record to prove the myth of evolution. It might be wise to remind everyone that fossils do not come with a date stamped on them. The age of a fossil is determined by the strata in which it is found and the strata date is determined by the fossils found therein! I was taught such non-thinking is a tautology or arguing in circles. Nevertheless, evolutionists do that going around and around and where they stop nobody knows. Well, they usually stop, for a while, when the television cameras are turned off.
Secondly, we must understand that there are no intermediate fossils showing a creature with half a wing and half a leg. If evolution were true, there would be billions of them all over the earth.
Thirdly, all the alleged “missing links” and ape men have turned out to be frauds perpetrated by quirky and desperate evolutionists, or either apes or men—but not ape men.
The only people who believe in the gradualism of Darwin are deceived people, fools, half-wits, and college professors who are paid for teaching it. I am shocked that any educated, honest person confesses to believe in the fairy tale of evolution. Evolutionists are an embarrassment to real scientists and are like blind men in a dark basement looking for a black cat that isn’t there. So sad. But only a few dare call it quackery!
Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 13 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years His most recent book is ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse! His websites are www.cstnews.com and www.Muslimfact.com.)
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