Is the Philosophy of Modern Science – Unscientific?

-By Rev Michael Bresciani

The best place to begin an examination of modern scientific philosophical flaws is in its very own definition. What science has become is far removed from its original definition.

In the beginning, it was easier to trust the conclusions of science when it defined itself as the empirical study of all things, based on repeatable, observable phenomena and careful record keeping of the results. Today’s science is rife with wild speculation, overworked theory, and just plain authoritarian guesswork. If a scientist said it, it has to be true, but is that true?

There are plenty of reasons that science is never questioned and not the least of these is because most scientific disciplines don’t want a hint of possible error being attached to them. Like all areas of modern life, accountability to the creator, God, must never be openly acknowledged. Religion is a highly doubtful area of substandard sources and subtexts, in the eyes of many scientists, who think it is largely for those who are squeamish and the fearful who haven’t got any savvy, cool or real brains to start with.
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Is the Philosophy of Modern Science – Unscientific?”

Religion Bad, Science Good – An Argument for Fools

-By Rev Michael Bresciani‏

My recently published piece entitled “Premiere of Discovery’s ‘Curiosity’ – Shameless Secularism not Science” has created no small stir among both the religious and the scientific community. While I never intended for that to happen it has become one of the greatest lessons of my life.

I loved science as a child and my fascination with all new discoveries has never ended. The importance of some discovery is inestimable and the search for knowledge is a healthy and exciting aspect of human endeavor. It is the philosophy of science and in some cases, the dogma of science that needs to be scrutinized a great deal more carefully.

Being a man of faith does not preclude exercising some legitimate scrutiny about all that calls itself religion. Not using our best wisdom and utilizing some careful research is why those with religious proclivities, sadly, end up in cults or much worse they finish life with a kool-aid cocktail. Those with a great love of science could learn at least this one lesson from the religiously inclined.
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Religion Bad, Science Good – An Argument for Fools”

Almost a Thousand Major Scientists Dissent from Darwin!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

A major storm of protest against the myth of evolution has been building for many years, as proved by almost a thousand major scientists, all with doctorates who have signed on to the following statement as of 2010: “We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.”

Those scientists threw down the gauntlet to evolutionists by publishing a two-page ad in a national magazine with the heading, “A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism.” Fevered, fanatical, and foolish evolutionists will charge that those dissenting scientists were backwoods yokels (maybe even a few snake handlers and flat earthers mixed in) dug up by pushy creationists to promote their cause. Not so, I have gone over the list and if certification and accreditation are so important, impressive, and indispensable, then those people will give evolutionists a perpetual heartburn. Major scientists around the world agree with them and many of them have not yet signed on to the dissent although they have gone on record that mutations and natural selection did not produce evolution. Other major scientists critical of evolution have died in the last 25 years.
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Almost a Thousand Major Scientists Dissent from Darwin!”

Evolutionist: A Blind Man in a Dark Room Looking for a Black that isn’t There!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

I would be delighted if my critics would refute my article “DNA in Your Body Could Reach to the Sun and Back—70 Times! Please help me see the light. I will be waiting, but I don’t expect any answers, only vulgar and incoherent blathering.

An Australian critic “responded” to my DNA article by sending me a link to an atheist website replying, “Properly (sic) refutation required? Well allow me to provide you with this information. Consider yourself refuted.” I responded: “That was a rebuttal? You’ve got to be kidding. I assume you are a smart mouth (or is it dirty mouth) 12-year-old kid. I do not “consider [myself] refuted.”

Atheists/evolutionists are pathetic. They allegedly believe in being open, balanced, fair, and logical but are the most illogical people living. I will consider myself refuted if anyone can inform me how the DNA got the information that determines whether a person will be short, tall, eye color, and whether he will have five fingers on each hand. Alternatively, I will be satisfied to know how the Universe got here without God. You know, simple things like that.
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Evolutionist: A Blind Man in a Dark Room Looking for a Black that isn’t There!”

Evolution Believed by Fools, Fanatics, and Fakers!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

My recent article titled, “DNA in Your Body Could Reach to the Sun and Back—70 Times” caused a stir in different parts of the world. I especially had unusual responses from the Canadian Free Press readers. I have never followed the results of my articles but did so because of the volume, vileness, and viciousness of responders. Those atheists/evolutionists really get angry when their religion is debunked!

One wrote, “This is the dumbest g** d*** article I’ve ever read in my life.” Well, that is his opinion but not well expressed. May I point out that he did not try to refute it? Wonder why? Could it be because he is dumb as a box of rocks? No one can tell me where and how DNA gets its information. Information must have a Source. A book does not compile itself. A computer code does not create itself. Only fools, fanatics, and fakers believe such nonsense and non-science.

Another evolutionist wrote pretending to be Jesus. “Thanks for the laugh. My dad and I are totally cracking up. Please keep in mind that my dad created science as way for you to learn what you couldn’t figure out morally. Some people just need that. Also, my dad created evolution to keep the planet going in perpetuity.” I thank the writer for his original and thoughtful message. It is good to hear from Jesus when I read the Bible; however, this is obviously not from the Bible. No doubt, the writer thinks of himself as a wit and he may be half-right. I hope he will take time to refute my article.
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Evolution Believed by Fools, Fanatics, and Fakers!”

Evolutionists: An Embarrassment to Real Scientists!

-By Don Boys, Ph.D.

Hey, it’s getting embarrassing! Another “missing link” is still missing after a few months exposure to science and common sense. I am referring to Ida, revealed last spring by Norwegian paleontologist Jorn Hurum and his colleagues who assured us Ida was “an unusually complete prehistoric primate fossil.” The dog and pony show that followed in May of 2009 on “ABC News,” “Good Morning America,” “Nightline,” “A & E,” “The New York Times,” etc., portrayed Ida “as a blockbuster discovery nothing short of an “eighth wonder of the world” that would offer a look at one of mankind’s earliest evolutionary ancestors. Afraid not.

We heard all that before with Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man, the famous horse series, peppered moths of England, Ernst Haeckel, etc. One tragic example of evolution’s embarrassing results is the silly, now totally discredited teaching of vestigial organs. It was commonly believed by non-thinking evolutionists and atheists that the tonsils, adenoids, appendix and about 200 other human organs were totally unnecessary. If they had declared “unknown” rather than unnecessary (there is a difference, you know) I would have agreed; however, now we know that all those organs are necessary, many having to do with the immune system. Moreover, uninformed doctors removed those organs in hundreds of thousands of children weakening their ability to fight disease. I deal with such embarrassing frauds in my book, Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith! available at .
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Evolutionists: An Embarrassment to Real Scientists!”