10th District: Dold’s ‘Get America Back to Work’ Bus Tour Thursday‏

From the Robert Dold for Congress campaign…

Today Dold for Congress will embark on a mission that will take us throughout the district to meet face-to-face with thousands of voters over the next six days leading up to Election Day. As part of the Get America Back to Work Tour, Robert and his supporters will ride around the district in a giant Dold-themed tour bus visiting small businesses, restaurants, train stations, senior communities, and anywhere and everywhere voters can be found. We will be making more than 60 stops during the tour, and will be picking up supporters along the way. We would like to extend an invitation for you to join us at any time during the tour for this very special event. To view the bus tour schedule click here.

We’ve come a long way since Robert’s announcement in September of his run for Congress, and Election Day is now less than one week away. We are going to move full-steam ahead through the finish line by taking our strong grassroots campaign further than ever with the Get America Back to Work Tour. The tour is an opportunity to spread Robert’s message of bringing small business common sense change to Washington to thousands of voters across the district.

We appreciate the tremendous support we’ve received from our volunteers, supporters, friends, and family who have put their faith behind Robert as the best candidate to represent the district in Congress. Now that we’re down to the wire, we need one last big push from our supporters to help us win next week. We ask for your help in spreading the word about Robert Dold during this crucial week so that voters are fully informed on who is best to vote for on February 2nd.


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