From the David Ratowitz for Congress campaign…
CHICAGO – January 27, 2010 – U.S. House candidate David Ratowitz’s tax proposals resonated with 5th District entrepreneurs and community leaders who attended the Asian American Coalition candidate forum on Saturday at the Hyatt Rosemont.
Ratowitz, a Republican candidate in Tuesday’s gubernatorial primary election, fielded numerous questions regarding the impact of burdensome federal regulations and taxes on the 5th District’s small business community, which includes Albany Park’s Koreatown.
Panelists specifically inquired about Ratowitz’s economic proposals, particularly for Asian American entrepreneurs impacted by the frozen credit market. Ratowitz is alone in his race in calling for immediate and comprehensive tax relief, particularly for small business owners.
“A vigorous economy can be restored by shrinking government with deep, across-the-board tax cuts coupled with broad-based federal spending cuts in all budget categories,” explained Ratowitz.
“The 5th Congressional District is defined by its small businesses,” Ratowitz added after the event. “The injustice is that these are the types of concerns that create 80 percent of new jobs, yet are least able to navigate and are hampered the bureaucratic red tape generated by the federal government’s policies.”
He went on to note that, “Emerging from our recession will require that we alleviate the tax burden that disproportionately impacts small business owners of all nationalities. Only then will we experience real and sustainable job growth and economic recovery.”
On immigration, Ratowitz denounced protracted wait times for prospective citizens. “The information that the government needs for processing applicants is less than that required by a mortgage broker. Answers should certainly not take years.”
Entrepreneur, Army veteran and conservative activist David Ratowitz is running for the 5th Congressional District Republican nomination in the February 2 Illinois Primary Election. Endorsements for Ratowitz include Tax Accountability, the political action arm of National Taxpayers United of Illinois; Cook County Commissioner Tony Peraica; Pioneer Press, a Sun-Times Media company; Republican Liberty Caucus; LibertySlate 2010; 32nd Ward GOP Committeeman John Curry; and North Town News Magazine and Jewish Chicago. The Ratowitz for Congress campaign platform supports a limited federal government, low taxes, fiscal discipline and accountability, free markets and individual liberty.
Learn more about David Ratowitz’s campaign at