-By Marie Jon
As the story goes, it was about this time of the year when police officers received complaints about an apartment at the edge of the city. When they went to investigate, they came upon a flophouse. What they found inside was dank darkness. The sight that met their eyes was a bit atrocious. At one time, the place had been a dance hall. The sparkling globe lights were still clinging to the dilapidated ceiling. Inside, people were strewn across the filth and squalor. They were sleeping off their chosen substance-abuse hangovers. The stench was overwhelming.
The police quickly rounded everyone up. When the case finally came to court, an astounding story came to the surface. One of the derelicts said to the judge, “Your honor, I am an upstanding citizen of the community. I don’t use any type of drugs or alcohol. I was in that house merely to take care of others.”
The judge investigated the man’s claims and found them to be true. His name is of no importance to this story, but the people from the other side of town called him “Father God,” because of his compassion and kindness. He paid the rent so that these drug addicts and derelicts would have shelter. However, the man they so admired looked just like everyone else who had been thrown into the slammer.
The law-abiding citizen chose to appear like the others so he could better take care of their needs. And when you give it some thought, that’s the same message behind the birth of Christ — “the greatest story ever told”:
“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men” (Philippians 2:5-7).
The Almighty God was willing to give up all the magnificent glories of heaven to become just like you and me. The reason is obvious. God did so to be able to identify Himself with us while paving the way so that one day we too could experience the glories of heaven. (See John 14:3.)
God’s way of “tugging at our hearts”
Throughout the world of Christendom, people are counting the days while looking forward to celebrating the Christmas season. There is no other time of the year like it, with its shorter days and cold, blistering weather. Yet most believers, and even non-believers, have a twinkle in their eyes and a new sense of hope and confidence about the future. They feel jubilant and content. God’s holy angels are drawing close to us, and the “Spirit says come.” The Lord in His mighty wisdom takes this special time to gather all mankind near to Him. One might say He has His ways of tugging at our hearts.
The message of the birth of Christ is amazing. Christians look upon this season in reverence because it marks the birth of Jesus Christ. With joy, they hurry about preparing for this day.
The Biblical account
It is a custom in our home to gather around the beautifully-decorated Christmas tree and read the story of Christ’s birth. We use the words right out of the Bible:
“And it came to pass in those days that a decree went out from Caesar Augustus, that the entire world should be registered. This census first took place while Cyrenius was governing Syria. So all went to be registered everyone to his own city.
“And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth into Judea to the city of David which is called Bethlehem. Because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife who was with child.
“So it was that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered and she brought forth her first-born son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.
“Now there were in the same country, shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over the flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them and the glory of the Lord shone around them and they were greatly afraid.
“Then the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day, in the city of David, a Savior which is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you. You will find the Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.’ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth good will toward men.'” (Luke 2:1-20)
Our greatest need: a Savior
The Word says that all the world was being taxed by Augustus Caesar at the time Christ was born. However, the biggest story of the day had nothing to do with governments, Caesar, or taxes. In actuality, it had to do with a little baby boy who didn’t have a proper place the night that he was born. To this day, Christ’s birth is the most important event in the history of our planet. Besides Mary and Joseph, however, only a handful of shepherds were aware of it.
The angels in heaven were rejoicing while the human race slept. Mankind was unaware that the Creator God had just stepped into their midst, and thousands of years of heavenly promises had come true.
As the Savior of the world was being born, many people were caught off guard and surprised. Some were confused. Many were expecting a great political leader to arrive on the scene who would throw off the yoke of Roman oppression and set the nation of Israel free.
The religious leaders at the time were looking for someone who looked just like them. They expected he would take a seat within the great Sanhedrin. However, that’s not who God sent us, because that is not what the world needed. Our greatest need was forgiveness from sin, so our Father sent us a Savior.
The greatest gift you can give
The night Jesus was born, the Lord Almighty became both human and God. He took on our image. Close your eyes and imagine seeing Him asleep in a manger, as helpless as any other child. Because Christ was someone special, wise men came from afar to bring their precious gifts.
Throughout this joyous Christmas season, remember that the one gift that would put a smile on the face of Christ is you. The whole reason “Jesus came was to seek and to save that which was lost.” Christ humbled Himself the way He did for no one else but you.
Take five minutes over the holidays and ask yourself why Christ came into this world. As you think about the baby in a manger, dwell upon His abiding love. Since the beginning of time, God was thinking about all of humanity while offering up prayer and supplication in the courts of heaven.
Please listen to His voice and don’t say no to Him any longer. Prepare with happiness, for He is coming again. His Second Coming could be very soon. (See John 14:1-3.)
Christmas time is almost here, and I wanted to share with you a wonderfully true and uplifting story that is the reason for this joyous season.
RenewAmerica.com wishes you and yours a very blessed Christmas Day.
Song: The Roches — Star of Wonder
What America needs — if it is to survive in liberty — is a surge in citizen activism unlike anything our nation has ever before seen.
The success of such a grassroots movement will depend on how much individual citizens are willing to do their part to return our country to divinely-inspired principles of self-governance — those principles outlined by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and those validated by common sense and biblical teaching as self-evidently true.
If you feel you need to “wait for instructions,” or otherwise depend on others — especially those in positions of leadership — to guide and assist you, our country will not survive these perilous times. You must act as though the future of our country depends on you alone, for in a very real sense it does. It depends on the creative, responsible, exemplary initiative of yourself and those you inspire to similar patriotism.
Here are suggestions for helping to make a difference in the future of our country.
- Live right.
The single most important thing you can do for your country is to set an example of outward and inward commitment to godly living. Be the kind of person God can work through to save our nation.
If you have yet to do so, determine with all your heart to yield your will completely to God “as a little child” (Matt. 18:3-4) and allow Him to change you according to His will and design for you — so that thereby you might truly fulfill your divine “mission” in life; so that you might be fully open to His guidance and influence; and so that you might be submissive to whatever challenges or tasks He desires of you. After yielding your will in this manner, and thus becoming truly born again according to the scriptural pattern (see John 3:1-8; Acts 1:1-9, 2:1-47; and Heb. 8:6-13), then work continuously on developing the godly self-discipline needed to please Him in all you do, and strive to overcome anything in your character that contradicts His precepts for godly, self-sacrificing, compassionate living.Be a true Christian in both word and deed, and continually strive to become a better one — one who inspires others to live by a higher standard than they may be accustomed.
Never underestimate the power of righteous example — and be that kind of example!
One thing is reasonably certain: If enough Americans live worthy of God’s intervention and miracles in their lives, and inspire enough people around them to strive with all their hearts to do likewise — then according to biblical principles and teachings, God will spare our country, no matter what evils confront it. (See 2 Chron. 7:14 and Isaiah 60:12.)
On such a scripture-based promise, we can all wisely depend.
- Take bold, appropriate action.
If — in a very real sense — our nation’s future depends on you alone (and on similar patriots you inspire), don’t simply be a spectator who watches others do courageous, remarkable things. Do them yourself! Lead out!
The evils confronting America have never been more threatening, insidious, or powerful — and your country therefore needs your activism more than ever before. Stand up and make a difference!
What should you do? If you’re living in harmony with God’s will, you’ll know. You won’t need “that any man teach you” (see 1 John 2:20-29), but will know in your heart by His Spirit what He wants you to do — and you will have His power and authority to sustain and multiply your efforts. (See Acts 10:34-38 and Matt. 7:29.) You won’t need to rely on others to guide or direct you, but will be reliant on God alone to know and do His will.
By your leadership, you will inspire others to do likewise in their own sphere and in their own way, as God directs them.
- Consider the possibility that God might want you to:
- Submit frequent letters to editors.
Testify at public hearings.
- Hold regular gatherings in your home or community to discuss and promote the cause of liberty.
- Volunteer to work in a political campaign, at any level, for any worthy purpose.
- Widely distribute signs for a cause or a candidate.
- Lead — or get involved in — a worthy petition drive.
- Organize a rally, large or small, to publicize an urgent issue or cause.
- Contact your local paper and offer to be interviewed regarding a public question or concern you have vital knowledge of.
- Pick up the phone and share your views on talk radio — or if you have the skills and opportunity, create your own radio or internet talk show.
- Create a blog.
- Found a website.
- Write and publish a regular column — or even a book.
- Get actively involved in a major (or possibly a “third”) political party in your state or the nation.
- Run for local — or higher — public office.
- Sign the Pledge for America’s Revival — and invite others to do the same.
- Participate in the Discussion Board at AmericasRevival.com, and support similar discussion forums on the web.
- Help organize your state or local area in the cause of taking back our country. (Consider getting involved in the State Activism section at AmericasRevival.com.)
- Inform yourself. “Zeal without knowledge” (see Rom. 10:2-3) will not save our country. Become acquainted with reliable, principled websites, blogs, publications, books, speakers, organizations, and other praiseworthy sources for information regarding the needs of our country and the solutions to those needs. Sign up to receive helpful newsletters and alerts.
A good place to start informing yourself would be to study essential documents that describe our nation’s founding principles.
- Work on your “people skills.” By this, we mean your ability to strengthen and influence others for good — so they might be persuaded to take independent action — not your ability to “use” others for your own ends, as some might think. Respect the worth, dignity, and free will of each individual as you seek to assist them in fulfilling their duty as citizens.
- Work on your communicative skills. “Politics is communication,” to a large extent. Become the kind of communicator God can use for His purposes. Meaningful communication requires practice, experience, wisdom, and the operation of God’s Spirit in effectively informing real people in real situations. This applies equally to both spoken and written communication.
- Turn your skills and resources mainly to saving our country — above any other purpose beyond your own salvation and the well-being of your family — and rely on God to give you the practical means to do so.
- Expect adversity.
Just as our Founders — or other great figures in history — suffered considerable adversity and personal hardship for their principled allegiance to the will of God, you too can expect adversity as you stand forth in the cause of reclaiming America. “No good deed ever goes unpunished,” as the saying goes.
This will likely prove true the more you become a significant player in our country’s future, as the Adversary will predictably seek to destroy your efforts — and as God Himself may undertake to try you, to test the depth of your commitment to His will.
Of course, not all adversity comes from outside sources — since we often bring it upon ourselves by our imperfect nature. But it helps to bear in mind that, no matter the source of our difficulties and challenges, a wise Father can help us deal successfully and productively with all our struggles, provided we rely on Him, and not upon our own wisdom or strength.
- Don’t give up.
If you persist in well-doing, relying on God to bless and sustain you against all odds and the hardships you can expect to encounter, you will emerge victorious over the forces of evil that confront our country, and you will be a beacon of reason and righteousness, and thus a tangible inspiration, to those around you.That’s all anyone can expect of another in the cause of reclaiming our republic. If enough of us catch the vision of such selfless grassroots activism, and spread it infectiously to others, we will succeed in preserving the “blessings of liberty [not only] to ourselves [but to] our posterity.” (See Preamble, U.S. Constitution.)
Marie Jon is a political/religious-based writer. She is the founder of www.DrawingClose.org/ — a sister website to RenewAmerica. Marie extends her hand of welcome. Come visit her website and receive your free gift of salvation by taking an on line Bible study. She personally invites you to join Christians from all over the world by becoming a free member of GOD Fellowship http://www.gofellowship.com/. The site is a nondenominational gathering of believers.
Marie’s writings have appeared on many sites, including The New Media Journal, ChronWatch, and Commonconservative, to name a few. She is a regular columnist for Capitolhillcoffeehouse, The Daley Times Post, RenewAmerica, The Conservative Voice, Newsbull, GreatAmericanJournal.com, Radiofreewesthartford.com, Greatmindsthinkright.com and Conservativecrusader.com.
Marie brings a refreshing and spirited point of view that is reflected in her writings, as well as a genuine and spiritual opinion regarding God and his teachings. Marie is a practicing Christian, a nurse, a student of the Bible, and a patriot. Many of Marie’s articles are a reflection of her great admiration for those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. She is an advocate for the troops, as well as the Blue and Gold Star Mothers of America, and their families. Marie has appeared as a guest with political talk show host Bruce Elliott on WBAL-1090 AM. Saturdays 5AM-9AM EST http://www.wbal.com/shows/elliott/
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