Mark Vargas: Is a decision on Afghanistan above President Obama’s pay-grade?

-By Mark Vargas

The President said that his decision on Afghanistan could take weeks. Mark Vargas, candidate for the 14th District Congressional seat, recently asked the President to make the decision based facts and the observations of commanders on the ground, not politics. Instead of bending to the whims of special interest groups, the President needs to honor his promise to win the war in Afghanistan or bring our troops home. The year of 2009 has already been the bloodiest year of the Afghanistan operation.

“The President is playing a game with our soldier’s lives.” Mark Vargas noted to supporters. While the President is procrastinating in Washington, the job market in towns like Dixon, Aurora, Elgin, and Sycamore is getting worse. Rep. Foster and the Democrat agenda of hidden taxation, regulation, and nationalizing companies are hurting American’s here and abroad.

Mark Vargas proposes to put pressure on the President and House leadership to follow the advice of General McCrystal concerning Afghanistan. Vargas also calls for Rep. Foster focus on lowering unemployment here in the 14th. “Jobs will be my number 1 priority as your Congressman.” Mark Vargas plans on launching a Jobs Task Force when elected.

Mark Vargas for Congress, 14th District.

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