-By John Armor
Last week, on air, Keith Olbermann (a leading personality, if there is such a thing on his network), described columnist Michelle Malkin as “a mashed up bag of meat with lipstick.” Before I discuss all the things wrong with this comment, the “man” who made it, his network, and its corporate owners, here are my prejudices in the matter.
First, I know and respect the journalistic abilities of Michelle Malkin. I was present in D.C. in February when she received an award for her work. On the other hand, I agree with the hundreds of millions of Americans who indicate their opinion of Olbermann’s show on MSNBC by tuning to other channels, any channels.
Olbermann’s previous job, before he got promoted per the Peter Principle, was as a sports reporter. To use a sports analogy, when he appears the stands are packed with people, disguised as empty seats. In short, I respect Malkin; I do not respect Olbermann.
That said, here’s what’s wrong about his false and grossly insulting attack on her: There is a nasty tendency in politics which applies mostly to women. People who oppose political opinions or factual statements made by women in a position to be heard, will often resort to ad hominem attacks. They will go on at length about how ugly the woman is, in various ways. If they are being really sleazy, they will attack the women for her presumed sexual habits.
For the most part, these attacks on political opponents are restricted to women, though there are a few exceptions like Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer of New York, and most recently, Mark Sanford of South Carolina. All of these “gentlemen” made sexual escapades part of their lives by choice, and deserve whatever derision and laughter they received as a result.
Also, for the most part, these sexual rather than ideological attacks on female opponents tend to be made primarily by left-wing politicians on conservative women. There are exceptions to this rule as well. A significant number of conservatives have attacked Hillary Clinton in these ways. That is dead wrong. Opposition to opinions and facts should be mounted with opinions and facts, no more, no less.
Why do I feel very strongly about this issue? As the son of a southern mother, I was taught always to be polite to women. As the husband of one able women, of whom I am very proud, and the father of two able women, of whom I am very proud, I know the difficulties of gaining success for women in our society. I demand that women have an equal opportunity to succeed, unfettered by sexual attacks.
So, what should be done to Keith Olbermann as a consequence of his deliberate, on-air, slimy attack on Michelle Malkin? MSNBC began as a joint effort of Microsoft and NBC. NBC, which pretends to be a news organization, retains control of it. The employers of Olbermann should insist, bare minimum, that he go on air and apologize to Malkin for his remarks, apologize to all women for making any such attack on any woman, and promise not to make such remarks in the future about anyone. If Olbermann is unwilling to do that, he should be fired.
If MSNBC and NBC fail to make that occur, then they have taken on themselves the mantle of slime that Olbermann first chose to wear. And for those who posit that Olbermann’s $4 million contract won’t allow his employers to do that to him, I have two words of rebuttal: Don Imus.
In my judgment, this is not a “woman’s” issue. Men have mothers, wives, daughters and granddaughters. Every right-thinking man should be just as concerned about deliberate harms to the female members of his family, as to himself.
I urge everyone who reads this to send this message to NBC abd MSNBC: “Force Oblermann to apologize, or fire him.” You can keep up with what is happening in this matter, and also read some cutting edge journalism, by visiting MichelleMalkin.com.
John Armor is a graduate of Yale, and Maryland Law School, and has 33 years practice at law in the US Supreme Court. Mr. Armor has authored seven books and over 750 articles. Armor happily lives on a mountaintop in the Blue Ridge. He can be reached at: John_Armor@aya.yale.edu
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