-By Vince Johnson
The media has reported that Einstein wrote a letter containing the following quote:
“The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish.”
(The word “god” was not capitalized in the article.)
The comment is from a letter he wrote in 1954 to a German philosopher known as Eric Gutkind. Einstein was 75 when he wrote the letter, so it is very likely his conclusion was based upon a lifetime of serious consideration. (Einstein died in 1955.)
I don’t know if this quote is factual, but if Einstein had written that letter to me, here is how I would have responded:
Dear Mr. Einstein:
For me, the word “God” describes an intelligent form of energy within and beyond the universe that has never been seen, has no measureable dimensions, and exists in reality as certainly as the universe exists within a mysterious dimension known as time.
I also believe God is to the universe as the mind is to the brain. The mind within our brain has never been seen, never been measured, does not have mass, and exists in reality as certainly as our brain exists in a mysterious dimension known as time.
Conclusion: Creation of the universe, as well as the brain, requires a form energy that I refer to as everlasting intelligence. I say “requires” to emphasize my belief that creation is an eternal process.
I also believe that all known forms of energy in the universe exist within and around matter, but does not consist of matter. These include electricity, gravity, magnetic fields, life, and others.
Conclusion: Unseen forces absolutely exist and I believe such wondrous things as gravity and life could not exist if divinely intelligent energy were not part of the process that created them.
Again: For me, the word “God” describes an intelligent form of energy within and beyond the universe that has never been seen, has no measureable dimensions, and exists in reality as certainly as the universe exists within a mysterious dimension known as time.
If it takes many centuries for the ultimate in human intelligence to partially understand life itself, how can life exist without a supreme and divine intelligence to create it?
Your thoughtful response would be received with great interest and appreciation.
Vince Johnson, Reality Consultant
Vince Johnson welcomes comments. Please send them to,Vince Johnson(vjadtrak@wvi.com)
See Vince in the new book Americans on Politics. Policy, and Pop-Culture.