-By Rep. John Fritchey
The Legislative Research Unit has shown once again why they are a shining star when it comes to doing their job really well. The text below is from an e-mail which I just received from the LRU:
The Legislative Research Unit has compiled the documents on this Website to provide information in advance of the constitutional convention referendum to be held at the November 4, 2008 General Election.
This site brings together information on the 1970 constitutional convention and earlier conventions; the last referendum on holding a constitutional convention in 1988 (which was rejected); and current issues for consideration if a convention were held in 2010. Many of the resources on this site were not widely available to the general public.
This Website is offered to legislators, their staffs, journalists, advocates on both sides of the convention issue, and members of the general public who seek information on the Illinois Constitution and the issue whether to call a constitutional convention.
Part I—History provides information on Illinois’ past constitutional conventions, including the last one in 1969-1970. It includes the Introduction to the 1970 Illinois Constitution from the Record of Proceedings of that convention, which gave a history of earlier Illinois constitutional conventions. It also contains summaries of research papers prepared before the 1970 convention, and related reports by the Legislative Research Unit.
Part II—1988 Referendum describes legislative and other preparations for the first mandatory constitutional convention referendum in 1988. It includes information on the Committee of 50 (a group established by the General Assembly in 1986 to advise on whether another convention was necessary). A list of proponent and opponent groups for a 1990 convention, and a copy of the voter pamphlet on the referendum, is included.
Part III—Current Issues gives information about the forthcoming 2008 constitutional convention referendum. It describes legislative actions and provides links to recent articles and other materials on the 2008 referendum. Proponent and opponent groups are listed, along with topics that a 2010 convention might be expected to address.
It also contains a list of constitutional revision experts and contact information for them.
Part IV—Other States contains a Legislative Research Unit report on recent constitutional revision efforts in other states, using either automatic referenda or other means.
Part V—Bibliography provides a supplemental bibliography of printed sources on constitutional revision in Illinois.
The information referenced can be found at the link at the bottom of this page.